Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Review of Myrtle Beach, please read!

Ok, I just realized I can only put pictures where the hotel section is. I will get to that later.

We live in the city of Atlanta, GA. We left Atlanta and took I-20 East to get to Myrtle Beach. If any of you, have drove I-20 east this way, you will know that this is the MOST BORING drive ever!! I saw nothing but a road, trailers every once in a while, and misspelled signs (that was our excitement during the drive). It took us 6-6.5 hours to get there, and it was SO boring. But that was the drive of course.

We arrived on Monday, August 15.

We stayed at the Holiday Sands South.

We booked a side view room for 54 dollars a night. We got a discount for booking online. Our total for the hotel was only $277 for Monday thru Saturday. We stayed on the 4th floor and had a view of the parking lot, beach, and street.

The pros to Holiday Sands South:

1. Cheap

2. My room had a refrigerator, microwave, and coffee pot. And a side view room as promised.

3. Although older (which I don%26#39;t care about, as long as it is kept up), the hotel was maintained and overall clean.

The Cons to Holiday sands south

1. The fitted sheets on the bed do NOT FIT. Every night we slept on the mattress with the sheets coming off the corners of the bed. I woke up one morning with no fitted sheet under me.

2. The maid service is good, BUT, they came to clean my room early. Basically, if you stay out late one night, you could awake at the sounds of them knocking at 10 AM. The day we checked out, we woke up at 8:30, they started banging on the door at 9AM. Check out is not even until 11, but they were nice and said they were just checking and would come back later.

3. I sleep on not so skinny pillows, so I had to request 2 (my husband did also). Basically, their pillows are skinny.

My husband and I have a hobby of collecting shells and shark teeth, etc. We could not find anything worth keeping. We went to the nature park as well, and there were no whole shells. If any of you have been to Amelia Island, there are pretty shells and sand dollars everywhere. Myrtle Beach-nothing worth keeping. Some people said they found sand dollars in the ocean though.

My biggest complaint of all- the beaches are disgusting. I am not generalizing this to Myrtle Beach, because I don%26#39;t know. But, behind Holiday Sands South and the rest of the hotels around it, the beach was nasty. Every night, there were premature (sp?) firework shows. Although fireworks are illegal on the beach, there is no enforcement. This is a shame, because the beach is disgusting from it. We had the hardest time finding a place to sit on the beach, we just had to get use to it and sit on debris of litter and firework crap. As I said, I do not know how the beaches are other places, but in this area, it is gross. I have picture to show, when I post them under the hotel review section. I have never seen such awful ugly sand in my life (due from trash, etc.). (People, do not litter on the beach! It destroys the beauty of the beaches).

Myrtle Beach is a little different than what I have experienced. I am in my 20%26#39;s, as well as my husband. We do not like the X rated stores that are practically everywhere in Myrtle Beach. We do not like loud drunken people who wake us up at 3Am, but, that can happen anywhere of course. Myrtle Beach is great for people who have children, people who need cheap rooms, people who can afford nicer rooms, people who want to get laid, people who want to get drunk, basically, anyone can find something they like in Myrtle Beach. But, me personally, I don%26#39;t think I will come back until I have kids because of all the kiddie rides and stuff. Again, my biggest complaint is the beach. I am sooo disappointed how dirty it was. We drove to the nature park early. It was clean there, but no good shells.

Broadway at the Beach is great. That is a lot of fun. Barefoot Landing is no where as good as Broadway at the Beach. We tried Benjamin’s (a buffet), and it was great. Definitely recommended.

We went Deep Sea Fishing with Captain Dic

k’s. I have mixed reviews about this. Deep sea fishing was great. But, I was actually insulted by the employees on the boat. First of all, I had never been fishing in my life, my husband had, so he helped teach me.

First insult: The lines got tangled up because the current swept everyone’s lines together. I told the blond haired employee who was helping me that the lines kept getting tangled up (due to the current), he actually told me that maybe I should not be fishing. I thought he was joking and he said, “Seriously”.

Second insult- I took a break inside the cabin, and one of the employees saw me and said,

”Now all we need is a TV so you gals can watch soap operas all day”. I was upset by both comments. Just because I am a woman, I guess I am not supposed to fish. How ignorant is that? From my world, us women can do more than spit out babies and cook. I can not stand that anti woman attitude, or whatever you call it. My husband and I paid money for that, more than we could probably afford, and I get treated that way. I will be complaining, I think. Not sure yet. I was so upset though. Because of their attitude towards me, I don’t know if I will use their services again. I mean, what a bummer, my first time fishing ever, and I get treated that way.

There was also a store called Pet Palace in Broadway at the Beach. I own 2 papillons, and I can never find papillon merhandise because many people don%26#39;t know what a papillon is (I love when people argue with me and tell me my dog is a chihuahua, they obviously have never put both of them side by side, they look nothing alike), but they actually had stuff for me. I was so happy with that.

We also went to Tripps at Broadway and Senor Frogs. Senor Frogs is okay, food just alright. Tripps was good, but expensive also, like all the restaurants that are not chains.

Well, if I think of more to write, I will later.

My Review of Myrtle Beach, please read!

You just gave a host of good reasons why I stay at Litchfield, North Myrtle, or Ocean Isle! Or better yet - go to the Charleston beaches!

My Review of Myrtle Beach, please read!

It sounds like maybe you should stay away, we were there the exact same week but stayed at Ocean Park Resort. Our beach was beautiful, every morning they cleaned it. What we saw were people having a great time on their ';vacation'; not being uptight which is what you are supposed to do. We can%26#39;t wait to go back, everyone was friendly, the restaurants were great(Dicks Last Resort, Pier 14, The Dead Dog Saloon in Murrell%26#39;s Inlet). I would have to say you are in a very small group when it comes to people disliking Myrtle Beach.

Everyone has the right to report their experience. Let%26#39;s not be rude.

I was not being rude, I was being honest. More people than not love MB, it wasn%26#39;t necessary to write a book about how horrible it was. I also have a right to my opinion, right?

How am I writing a book on how I disliked it? I never said I hated it. I did say I would go back there, didn%26#39;t I? Why are you taking my review so personal? I was not uptight about anything either. Is there something wrong with me saying I want a clean beach? Didn%26#39;t I say NOT ALL AREAS were like this? It sounds like you just want to argue.

Thank you Bud for your input =)

WOW, I really don%26#39;t understand either of these people. I was just not agreeing with them. I don%26#39;t think I sound argumentive, if anyone does........

Bud 41 and lvmommy are right.....this post can I say i am rolling on floor laughing......

let see ksualumna did you read your post.??????

you had a horrible time...right????look at your pros and just got back last wees and had a great time....beaches were great where I stayed just north of Myrtle was great people were great...had a blast...howver I did not stay at a cheap hotel.....was not real expensive either....but not know if you lighten up alittle you might have a better your post...skinny o.k.....hotel cheap...beach dirty.....can%26#39;t fish....who cares.......

do like bud say...stay nrth or south litchfield is a murrells to a cleaner beach....

I thought the fire works were cool and so did my boys...

p.s. papillons....??? is that a bird???...who cares......

Lighten up and have a good time

your on vacation


Bud 41 and lvmommy are right.....this post can I say i am rolling on floor laughing......

let see ksualumna did you read your post.??????

you had a horrible time...right????look at your pros and just got back last wees and had a great time....beaches were great where I stayed just north of Myrtle was great people were great...had a blast...howver I did not stay at a cheap hotel.....was not real expensive either....but not know if you lighten up alittle you might have a better your post...skinny o.k.....hotel cheap...beach dirty.....can%26#39;t fish....who cares.......

do like bud say...stay nrth or south litchfield is a murrells to a cleaner beach....

I thought the fire works were cool and so did my boys...

p.s. papillons....??? is that a bird???...who cares......

Lighten up and have a good time

your on vacation


I just wanted to add my two cents. I spent the first week of August at Myrtle Beach and had a fabulous time. I guess ksualumna05 had the misfortune of staying at the worst hotel and visiting the most horrible beach.

I, on the other hand, was impressed with the facility that I stayed. The beach was less crowded and clean.

Next time, and I mean this with sincerity, maybe you should do some research. This might prevent you from having the same experience again.

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