Friday, April 9, 2010

A great hotel for 2 older adults?

We have only been to MB once. Stayed at Hampton Inn on the ocean and did love it.

We wanteed to try someplace different this time, but want to make sure it%26#39;s someplace that the bus can take us and bring us back from Broadway at the beach, as we won%26#39;t drink and drive.

Cost is not that much of an issue, but location, clean, and not all kids would be nice.

Oh and we love a great pool/

Any suggestions?

A great hotel for 2 older adults?

Southwind at around 50th st. Take it to the bank.

A great hotel for 2 older adults?

Have to agree with Tony....Southwind Villas are really nice! Very spacious, nice furnishings, and great balconies! Not a huge pool area, but ample....the beach in this area is, IMO, one of the best have a nice residential area just to the south of the makes for a nice walk. The bus service runs the full length of Ocean Blvd, so thats never a problem....this area has a number of great restaurants too....



I%26#39;ve seen one room at Southwinds and it was beautiful. Can you tell me have all the rooms been refurbished? Again, TonyMik and MBConceriege.....would you take this over Forest Dunes?

Thank for the suggestion, but after looking at Southwind all I can find is 2 or more bedrooms. Being married, we really don%26#39;t need 2 bedrooms.

Southwind has both efficiencies and 1 bedroom units (as well as 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom units) You might want to check out their website Some of the other websites like or Booe Realty may only offer the 2 bedrooms plus...

As for comparing the Southwind to Forest Dunes...hmmm...I know that some of the condos at Forest Dunes are ';graded'; Tony knows more about this...and Forest Dunes is across the street from the beach...but price wise, you may find that at Forest Dunes, your rates will be a bit less. The Southwind is less than 2 years old, and is a sister property to the Sea Island (Island Vista is this property%26#39;s new name because of a ';name infringement'; lawsuit) as being hasnt been opened long enough for that to be going on....If $$ wasnt an issue, I think I%26#39;d have to go with the Southwind.


Heres the scoop.

Pool area= Southwind has a much better pool area.

Location=Slight edge to Southwind because Forest Dunes is accross the road from the beach.But not that big an issue as there are no hotels on the ocean side of the road for about 3/4 of a mile heading north.

Restaurant= Forest Dunes has a bar that may serve sandwiches, I dont remember seeing anything at Southwind but right next door at Dunes Village is a restaurant.

Quality of rooms=Southwind is about 3 years young and is not to that point yet where many rooms are starting to show wear and tear.At Forest Dunes do not settle for a room with a C- rating.

Cost= Forest Dunes wins this one.

Views=Most rooms at Southwind are oceanfront ,from the 7th floor on up the oceanfront and oceanview rooms at Forest Dunes offer outstanding views as there are no high buildings on either side.The 3 bedrooms have floor to ceiling windows in the living room and the balconies are spacious.

Kids= slight edge to Southwind but neither has as many as your apt to find at Dunes Village or Sea Island.

Good luck with your choice.

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