Thursday, April 1, 2010

Deli around FQI or Visitor's Center

My girlfriend and I have everything booked for a week in Charleston in April. We%26#39;re planning on visiting Middleton Place and thought a picnic lunch would be a different way to go.

So now I%26#39;m wondering if there is a deli close by the French Quarter Inn to pick up good picnic supplies (fresh bread, quality cold cuts, etc.)?

Alternately, we%26#39;ll be renting a car from an agency on Meeting Street not far from the Visitors Center so anything around there for picnic supplies would also be good.

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Deli around FQI or Visitor's Center

Middleton Place has an area that sells sandwiches, salads, desserts, drinks etc. for your picnic. The chicken salad is very good.

If you are renting a car and driving to Middleton there are some fast-food places on the way - most around the Sam Rittenburg Blvd. intersection where you can pick up some things. Further out Hwy. 61 (the street that goes out to the plantations) there is a Piggly Wiggly grocery store on Parsons Road and a little further out (at the last red light) there is a Bi-Lo grocery store. Both have deli areas with prepared sandwiches. The Pig is easier to get in/out of but Bi-Lo has the better selection.

Have fun!

Deli around FQI or Visitor's Center

There is a place called Kennedy%26#39;s downtown that is a bakery and they will have breads, etc. It is located beside the public library on Calhoun St. Also, there is another baker/deli/lunch placed called Saffron on East Bay Street that could help you with your picnic foods. If you want a dessert for your picnic, go to Kaminsky%26#39;s which is on Markest St.

Thank you both for your great suggestions! I didn%26#39;t realize Middleton Place served food other than in their restaurant.

I%26#39;ll post a follow-up to our picnic plans upon our return.

Thanks again.

There%26#39;s also a Harris Teeter grocery store on East Bay where you can get everything from gourmet cheese and artisan bread to Diet Coke. It%26#39;s not far from the FQI. You could walk, or take a pedicab.

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