Believe it or not, I%26#39;ve been staying there for about 10 - 15 years at Easter time. TonyMik mentioned the room category A-B-C. I never knew they existed but I did know that some of the rooms are nicer than others. Now, can you tell me which rooms at the nicest? I%26#39;ve been thinking of switching to another hotel but I really like the location. It%26#39;s kind of quiet. Do you have any other suggestions?
I%26#39;ve been reading alot about the Grande Dunes and Sea Island.
What do you think?
Forest Dunes Resort
Do you need a 1 or 3 bedroom? Sea Island being brand new is more apt to have all top notch quality rooms but will probably cost more. As you probably know from the 6th floor on up the balcony views at Forest Dunes are hard to beat. Let me know what size rooms you need and I%26#39;ll see what I can find out about which rooms are better.
Have you ever been to Villa Mare restaurant ,my son works there?
Forest Dunes Resort
FYI Sea Island is changing its name to Island Vista due to a lawsuit brought on by another hotel of the same name.
My email address is If you give me either
your phone# or email address I have some room #s for you at Forest Dunes.Not sure that its proper to give them over this site.
I%26#39;m from Sayreville ,have you always lived in Barnegat?
TonyMik, I%26#39;ve e-mailed by address. But, if anyone else out there has any advice regarding staying in the best three bedroom unit, let me know.
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