Sunday, April 4, 2010

Question for Hhiguy (or anyone else with insight)

My future wife and I are considering going on vacation with my two brothers and their families in the summer of 2008 (yeah I know, long way off yet). There would be a total of six adults and four children.

This may seem stupid, but I%26#39;m curious as to whether there is a hotel/resort with a suite big enough to accomodate all of us? If not, where would you recommend we stay?

All answers greatly appreciated


Question for Hhiguy (or anyone else with insight)

Your best bet is still renting a private property like a five bedroom home.

If you desire hotel services than look to the Westin. They have an arrangement with a time share called ';Ocean Palms'; to rent their condo%26#39;s and also provide hotel services.

Hope that hels.

Stan (hhiguy)

Question for Hhiguy (or anyone else with insight)

I am with the HHI Guy,

Rent a large home there are many . You may want to rent from the owner using To get the best price.

I say good uck!

My personal advice in going with family is stay in the same complex in differnt units...unless you really think your tolerance will hold out for a week!

Have a great time!

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