Sunday, April 4, 2010

Where do you buy beer and wine in Pawley Island?

Is it sold at a liquor store? Is it sold at a berr distributer? Should we bring our own? Sunday sales? And are grocery stores available?

Thanks much ...Will be visiting the first week in August

Where do you buy beer and wine in Pawley Island?

In South Carolina beer and wine are sold in grocery stores and liquor is sold only in liquor stores, which are also called ABC stores. Some grocery stores have a good selection, some do not. Some liquor stores also sell wine. Liquor stores are not open on Sunday and close at 7pm Mon-Sat. Grocery stores and restaurants may sell alcohol on Sun if they have purchased a special Sunday liquor license and if they are in a county that allows it.

Where do you buy beer and wine in Pawley Island?

Depending where you travel from, you may find that wine selection and prices are not so good in MB.

Two years ago, when we went, we could harldy find the wines we usually enjoy at home.

Also, even if some products carry the same brand name and label as what we purchase back home, they are different from the original product. One good example of this is Dubonnet Red. The bottle we had purchased was a product of the USA, under license from the French Dubonnet company. It did not quite taste the same, still good, but different.

As for wine, the selection was limited, in particular for French wine. Regular, run-off-the-mill Baron Rothchild Cabernet Sauvignon, a staple in any wine store back home, was nowhere to be found. Finally, we paid the same amount of US $ for most bottles as we would have had in CAN $ back home. Exchange rate was 1.25, so we ended up paying much more for wines we usually enjoy.

All of that being said, last year, we haul our own wine and liquor from Canada, much cheaper in Ontario or Quebec than SC. The only consolation is that beer is cheap and readily available

Hope this helps,


There is not much on pawleys. It is mostly residential. There are liquor stores off the island and grocery stores for beer and wine. You will probably want to gather what you need on the way.

we stopped on the way. we are wine drinkers and i must say the puggly wiggly had a nice selecction of reds and whites and of course, beer.

we had brought a bottle of absolute and sky w/ us as we drove.

  • lip chap
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