I went to Myrtle Beach for the second time last July for my 1 year wedding anniversary and unlike the first time, I saw baby turtles in one of the shops. I wanted to get a couple, but we ended up just doing nothing the whole time while we were there. Which was great.
Anyway, I kept teling myself that if we went for our two year anniversary, I would get some of them. Because I just think they%26#39;re so cute. Well, I%26#39;ve tried finding info on the turtles on the web, but can%26#39;t.
What I want to know is, are they easy to take care of? Is it humane to buy baby turtles from an ';everything'; shop? I%26#39;ve read something about other turtles being sold in places like that, and heard it%26#39;s just a way to get your money because it%26#39;s easy to take care of them, but they end up costing ALOT of money to take care of.
I don%26#39;t want to buy some just to buy some, I want to make a good choice. If anyone could help me, I%26#39;d appreciate it.
Baby turtles in MB shops?
In think that turtles, as pets go, are fairly cheap to feed and care for. A former girlfriend of mine had an 8'; Box Turtle that had the run (LOL) of the house. But there are other concerns:
Salmonella Makes a Comeback Along with Baby Turtles
Why it is Illegal to Sell Turtles Less than 4 Inches in Length
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