Friday, April 9, 2010

What is Myrtle Beach Like in the Summer?

We have only visited MB in late March and early May, both of which proved to be wonderful times to go--no crowds, weather that was neither extremely cold nor extremely hot, lower room rates, etc. A recent thread on this board posed the question of why anyone would want to go to MB in the winter which has got me wondering what it is like to go in the peak of summer. Here%26#39;s how I envision it: extremely hot, very crowded, long lines at all of the attractions and restaurants, kids everywhere, heavy traffic, etc. Not to paint a totally negative picture, but I just don%26#39;t think that I would want to be there in July or August. Am I way off base and it%26#39;s not all that bad? I%26#39;m just curious.

What is Myrtle Beach Like in the Summer?

You%26#39;ve pretty much ';envisioned'; it correctly. We%26#39;re lucky enough to be able to get in multiple trips. Off season and peak season. Be honest we enjoy both.

Yes it%26#39;s nice in May when it%26#39;s just the two of us. Very relaxing and one week feels like two because we do so little.

Our summer trip is the whole family. Kids and grandkids. We combat the longer lines by eating more meals at condo. Saves money and more relaxing. Evenings we go out, we avoid the large popular restaurants opting for the smaller offf the beaten path places.

Larger attractions aren%26#39;t that bad. Heaveier crowds than in May but with things spread out you really don%26#39;t notice. Temps the last two years for summer trip (July) have been in high 90%26#39;s. Puts a damper on doing much more than just sitting, tanning and watching waves. Then again.....What%26#39;s wrong with that?

What is Myrtle Beach Like in the Summer?

I also have been down in July the last 2 years and since i golf about 4 to 5 days a week i watch the temperature daily in the newspaper.Last year the temps ran between 85 and 92 degrees the first 2 weeks in July.It was hotter in my home state of N.J..

Yes the crowds are larger but if you stay in the area of Myrtle Beach between 48th and 79th that area is less crowded than others.Island Vista(Sea Island),Dunes Village,Southwind,Forest Dunes and Grande Shores are some hotels in that area.

For restaurants you go early,use call ahead waiting or reservations when applicable or hit places like Villa Mare or ride down to Filets on the marina in Little River.Carolina Roadhouse is great for takeout with 2 parking spaces reserved just for people picking up orders.Or reserve at Landry%26#39;s and then walk Broadway At The Beach till its near your seating time.

Great Firework displays both at the beach and at attractions like Barefoot and Broadway.

Golf is also cheaper.So I would say its far from a negative picture.

I think MBConcierge will back me up on that.

Yep, you%26#39;ve got it! All of the above. And I say that fondly. We had many happy family vacations at MB in June %26amp; loved it.

But, now that I don%26#39;t have to worry about kids I think September is absolutely perfect (barring any hurricanes).

The last time I went in summer...was my last! LOL. I can%26#39;t take the traffic! Best wishes.

To bud41,

I live in Central N.J. and every work day both the morning and evening rush hours compare with Myrtle Beach in July possibly even worse on many roads. So summer traffic in Myrtle really doesn%26#39;t faze me.

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