Ok, how about choosing between these two as well.
Saxonburg, PA
Angelo's Steak or Nico's of New York
Add Thorny%26#39;s to the choices above. So if you had to choose would you choose Angelo%26#39;s Nico%26#39;s or Thorny%26#39;s? We%26#39;re looking for a good restaurant that offers a good choice of beef, chicken and seafood dishes. We can get a $25 gift card for Nico%26#39;s or Angelo%26#39;s so that%26#39;s appealing. If you went to Thorny%26#39;s would you compare it to Ryan%26#39;s.
We live in PA and we have Ponderosa Steak House here. Is Ryan%26#39;s or Thorny%26#39;s similar to Pondersosa (for anyone that mightbe familiar with it)?
Saxonburg, PA
Angelo's Steak or Nico's of New York
My 2 cents on your dilemma:
I%26#39;ve been to Angelo%26#39;s and Thorny%26#39;s. In my opinion, Angelo%26#39;s is best. Thorny%26#39;s is fine but can be like eating in an airport when it%26#39;s busy. Very big place, rather loud, I thought.
Angelo%26#39;s is more refined, quiet, great food. Never been disappointed here.
At the risk of insulting you, if you like Ponderosa Steakhouse you%26#39;ll be thrilled with any of the three Myrtle Beach restaurants.
Chubbytraveler, lol! No offense. Ponderosa is not one of my favorite restaurants, in fact if you would have said one was more like Ponderosa I would have chosen the other.
Thanks for your help. Any opinion on Nico%26#39;s? We have the $25 restaurant .com certificate we can use there, and I heard some good reviews.
Saxonburg, PA
Chordshark: Ryan%26#39;s is a very large buffet. Similar to Golden Corral if you%26#39;ve ever been to one of those. Known as a steak house but steak is just one of the many items available.
Italian pasta, Mexican, chicken, roast beef. price is very reasonble plus I think they have early bird specials. You won%26#39;t go hungry. Steak isn%26#39;t bad for a buffet. Could be wrong but I think it%26#39;s heavly marinated before cooking.
Love Angelo%26#39;s steaks. Served on a hot cast iron pan. Tender and juicy. Yummy!
Angelo%26#39;s without a doubt. I%26#39;ll put their steak up against any. Who would have thought?
I would go with Angelo%26#39;s anytime. We go the Myrtle Beach each March to play some golf and we ALWAYS go to Angelo%26#39;s at least once....often more than once. The steak on the cast iron pan is awesome. The thought of going to Angelo%26#39;s always makes the 18 hour drive from Canada seem shorter.
We%26#39;ve been to Thorny%26#39;s (we had a coupon) and it was ok....but just that...ok. Haven%26#39;t tried Nico%26#39;s, but I%26#39;ll be watching to see if anyone gives it the thumbs up.
Heve not tried Nico%26#39;s but just dined at Angelo%26#39;s last eve...
the place was packed, about a half hour wait. Yes, the steaks looked %26amp; smelled great, actually smoking up the area as they brought one out sizzling...they were voted #1 for steaks but I%26#39;m not sure what poll...noticed the cops eat here (when not at ';The Filling Station!';).
The steaks are not cheap (you could use up your $25. on just one). I wish now I had ordered one, but tried the Italian buffet on a friend%26#39;s reccommendation...I didn%26#39;t like it at all. Other two diners got the Veal Marsalle %26amp; loved it.
Ryan%26#39;s is a great buffet %26amp; probably the best meal deaL you will find in the MB area. Their steaks are surprisingly good for an inexpensive buffet, and you can select one to your exact level of doneness. Golden Corral is comparable but with a wider choice of steak cuts...way better than Ponderosa. But neither of these will please the true steak afficiondo.
Carolina Roadhouse has good steaks. I also liked the steaks at Hook%26#39;s buffet....about four different select cuts (Porterhouse, T-bone, etc.) %26amp; all that I sampled were juicy %26amp; delicious.
^ How can you comment on the steaks if you didn%26#39;t try them? What you described is what makes Angelo%26#39;s so unbelievable. I would never imagine that a place that is primarily an Italian buffet with middle income customers would have such great steaks but they do. The steaks at Angelo%26#39;s rival ANY steak I have had at the most expensive of steakhouses.
What didn%26#39;t you like about the Italian Buffett? Was it all you could eat or just a one time serving?
I think we%26#39;re going to Angelo%26#39;s (using the Enjoy The City Coupon - Buy one get one) in July then try Nico%26#39;s in August.
Here are my choices for our trip in July
Nance%26#39;s Cedar Hill Landing Restaurant
Gulf Stream Café
The Original Benjamin’s
Angelo%26#39;s Steak and Pasta
Bummz on the Beach (new one in Litchfield Beach)
The Chesapeake House
Ryan%26#39;s Grill, Buffet %26amp; Bakery
Saxonburg, PA
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