Friday, April 9, 2010

Myrtle Beach trolley

Does Myrtle beach have a trolley? If so, where does it run? How much does it cost? What are the hours? Does it run close by Sea Island Resort? Will it take me to restaurants amd entertainment if I stay at Sea Island?

Myrtle Beach trolley

Some of our local buses look like trollys....and yes they run the full lenght of Ocean Blvd, so right in front of the Sea Island...check out their website for transfer spots and fares


Pools at Breakers??

My family and I have decided to stay at this resort in early June. How are the pools? It looks like just one big lazy river from the website. My family and I are interested in a nice, big pool outside as well as inside. Also, are there any kiddie pools here? Thanks.

Pools at Breakers??

Not really a true outdoor pool, but they do have a really nice indoor pool than has one side open to the outside....the lazy river is great and the pirate ship kiddie pool is really alot of fun for the little ones! You might check the thread off to the left (hotel reviews) and click on the various photos from some of the other posters.

Enjoy! I think you will!


Pools at Breakers??

The Paradise Towers doesn%26#39;t have an outdoor pool but their property next door in the Resort tower does have an outdoor pool. You just walk over on the brick past the Snack Bar thing. It%26#39;s pretty decent. Good enough size. Kiddie Pool is nice.

Forest Dunes Resort

Believe it or not, I%26#39;ve been staying there for about 10 - 15 years at Easter time. TonyMik mentioned the room category A-B-C. I never knew they existed but I did know that some of the rooms are nicer than others. Now, can you tell me which rooms at the nicest? I%26#39;ve been thinking of switching to another hotel but I really like the location. It%26#39;s kind of quiet. Do you have any other suggestions?

I%26#39;ve been reading alot about the Grande Dunes and Sea Island.

What do you think?

Forest Dunes Resort

Do you need a 1 or 3 bedroom? Sea Island being brand new is more apt to have all top notch quality rooms but will probably cost more. As you probably know from the 6th floor on up the balcony views at Forest Dunes are hard to beat. Let me know what size rooms you need and I%26#39;ll see what I can find out about which rooms are better.

Have you ever been to Villa Mare restaurant ,my son works there?

Forest Dunes Resort

FYI Sea Island is changing its name to Island Vista due to a lawsuit brought on by another hotel of the same name.

My email address is If you give me either

your phone# or email address I have some room #s for you at Forest Dunes.Not sure that its proper to give them over this site.

I%26#39;m from Sayreville ,have you always lived in Barnegat?

TonyMik, I%26#39;ve e-mailed by address. But, if anyone else out there has any advice regarding staying in the best three bedroom unit, let me know.

Egret Point Timeshare

Just received our confirmation for Egret Point 2 bedroom condo for February 2007. This is part of Spinnaker Resorts Shipyard Plantation. Anyone familiar with this resort? As you can see, we start planning our vacations early - actually planning is as much fun as going!!

Egret Point Timeshare

we went there in September this year and loved it. the rooms are huge (we had a 3-bedroom, basically a 2-story townhouse) and the place is nice and quiet.

No timeshare push (just don%26#39;t answer the phone!) to any degree, and the grounds are quite nice.

Egret Point Timeshare

Thanks for your reply. It is getting closer to our travel date and the planning is getting more serious. As we are meeting friends there, it is nice to know to accomodations are good. Do you know if the heated pool is open year round. Being Canadian, would go swimming in cold weather provided the water is warm. In fact we usually go to Carriage Hills each January because of their outdoor pool and hot tub.


We just returned tonight from a week at Spinnaker%26#39;s Waterfront, which is a few blocks from Egret. You%26#39;re very near a public beach and Coligny Plaza, where there are a half-dozen restaurants, a Piggly Wiggly grocery, a liquor store, a hardware store, a coffee shop...every essential you%26#39;ll likely need. Coligny is deceptively walk through it. You may want to take surf shoes because there%26#39;s quite a few broken shells on the beach. As other have mentioned, this is firmly packed sand. You can easily peddle a bike on it. Fun to pick up shells at low tide. Mostly small. Hubby did find two large starfish this week, though.

Highly recommend finding a book of restaurant menus. We only found a guide on our last day there. One of the wonderful, yet challenging aspects of Hilton Head is zoning and signage. For residents, it%26#39;s wonderful. Everything is hidden away. But for visitors, it%26#39;s a nightmare trying to find restaurants, etc, through the foilage. A couple of recommendations close to Egret -- buy shrimp at Piggly Wiggly (fresh seafood arrives daily at 2 p.m.). For a cheap, tasty restaurant frequented by locals, check out Sea Shack on Executive Pope a couple of blocks from Egret. Expect nothing by plastic forks, etc. But fish/shrimp/oysters very fresh and affordable, plus some nice southern touches like okra and tomatos and conch fritters. In Coligny Plaza, Bamboo II offers excellent happy hour with 2 for 1 beers and margaritas. It%26#39;s on the second floor. Full menu, from soft-shelled crab to bacon-wrapped hot dog and salads. Henchy%26#39;s -- across the street from Coligny , next to public beach access -- is a very nice sports bar with great sandwiches. It bills itself as Chicago-style. Nice beer selection. Sage is pricey but a nice splurge. Also, the Holiday Inn has a tiki beach bar open to everyone.

FYI: We also did an overnight to Savannah in the middle of our timeshare week. Landed the Hyatt for $70. Highly recommend spending the night in Savannah to soak up a bit more flavor there. Could likely spend a week in Savannah and take a day trip to Hilton Head ; )

Have a great time!

Amagar, thanks so much for the great information. I have saved it to my favourites and will definitely print it and take it with me. So glad you enjoyed your holiday. We plan on a day trip to Savannah but as we are meeting friends from NC at Hilton Head, an over night trip to Savannah will have to be another holiday.


I would be interested in reading your review of Egret as soon as your return. We are booked at the Lyons, in Port Royal but this is a private rental. We were not timeshare owners when we booked this. However, we are hoping to use our points for friends to join us while we are in HH and Egrets is in the RCI directory. Would be very interested in your opinion. Someone on this site mentioned that Egret is the newest in the Spinnaker line-up of resorts. This will be our second trip to HHI. Our first trip we stayed at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort in Palmetto Dunes and LOVED it. We booked through and got a fantastic deal.

Hope you have fun.

I will definitely post a review for you when we return. I just hope that we are able to take this trip as we have a new grandson about to arrive. He was due Feb. 26 but the doctor is now saying Feb. 10.



We are planning to drive to HH for mid-March (although still haven%26#39;t booked accom. yet...), and I saw your query about whether it was too cold to go in the ocean for a dip in Feb. Did you get any information on that? We were in Myrtle beach a couple years ago end-Mar and the ocean was fine (being about mid 60s..... people in the south might not think that%26#39;s so fine...!) so I was presuming with the warm winter so far that we should be ok.


Our Temperture yesterday was in the mid 70%26#39;s. When I went down to the beach, it was crowded and there were a few kids in the surf.

Water tempurture is about 59 degrees right now, so prolonged immersion could cause hyperthermia however.

Stan (hhiguy)

  • facial blackheads
  • Relocation to Myrtle Beach

    My wife and 6 month old son are considering a move from California to the Myrtle Beach area. We are considering living in Conway or another suburb somewhat nearby. I would appreciate any honest feedback on the quality of live, culture, entertainment, schools etc..

    Appreciate any help!


    Relocation to Myrtle Beach

    Check out They have an entire section and thread on message board dedicated to relocation questions.

    Relocation to Myrtle Beach

    Well, WB, the first thing you will notice is COL is WAY lower, real estate is very cheap compared to CA, lower taxes, etc.

    I won%26#39;t mention summer traffic because I doubt it would be any worse than CA (but it%26#39;s bad!)

    Conway is a historic small town with some good %26amp; bad neighborhoods, homes in all price categories. Might also lok at Georgetown, a deepwater seaport town with ';class'; (but, unfortunately, also a very stinky paper plant).

    Schools are hit or miss...get local input on which are the best dirtricts after you narrow down your search.

    Plenty of entertainment, the ';culture'; is a little different (come visit, you%26#39;ll see).

    My first suggestion would be to come here for an extended vacation....check out different areas that you have read about...get a feel for certain areas, and physically be able to go check out the schools. Conway is a cute little area, very historic, and has a wonderful downtown area...of course, with it being an older city, it does have its good and bad areas, as does Georgetown, which as Daddio says could be another option.

    An area that is really growing is the area between MB and Georgetown, Litchfield Beach, Pawleys Island and even Murrells Inlet...these areas are still pretty laid back, but then again, Rt 17 does run right thru there, and its traffic as ususal on that road. Carolina Forest --a ';suburb'; of MB is pretty popular with younger sits between MB and Conway, and does have its own school system.

    As for quality of life....MB and the area are still ';smalltown'; feeling, and its pretty laid back. I live in a neighborhood where the neighbors still get together and help each other out...we all know each other very well, and keep an eye out for anything out of the unusual...its almost ';June Cleaverish';! LOL

    Culture...hmmm...originally from around Chicago, I can say this is an area that MB and the surrounding communities could really work on. And, we do have organizations that are really trying. Alot of that is due to the number of transplants this area does have, and bringing that love of the arts to this community. Its better than it was 10 years ago...

    Entertainment...I dont think we fall short at all on this. Of course depending on what you need to be entertained, but we have sports (baseball, football, basketball, racing and yes, even hockey!) we have the beach for boating, fishing, surfing (not CA style tho%26#39; LOL), shelling, walking, running....a number of live entertainment venues, live music at a number of local restaurants, 2 play groups, museums, art galleries, golf, mini golf...are you tired yet? LOL

    Schools....there has been alot said about SC schools in the past year, but since the time that I have lived in this state, I can honestly say that there has been a huge improvement. We have seen a number of new schools built in the last few years...


    Deep Sea or Backwater Fishing in July?

    MB Concierge, how%26#39;s the fishing in July? I have seen adds on both deep sea and backwater fishing and was wondering what you would recommend for a family outing. Could you suggest a charter company?

    Deep Sea or Backwater Fishing in July?

    Fishing in July??? Hot! ha! Deep sea (offshore) fishing in July youre probably looking at catching mostly grouper, snapper, some sea bass and maybe a mahi...not as familar with backwater fishing, but would think it woud be very similar....of course depending on how hot July might get.

    Everytime I go out on one of the offshore trips, I must admit I really enjoy myself! You can either head out on one of the head boats (which at times can hold up to you and 75 other fishermen!) or you can charter your own ';party boat'; which this will allow you to bring your own food and drinks on board. Two companies that are wonderful to work with they are out of the Calabash, NC area just about a 20 miles drive north of MB....and which are located in Murrels Inlet about 15 miles south of MB....for inshore I%26#39;d take a look at they are located in Little River on the waterfront (right next door to my fav restaurant there, Crab Catchers!)



    A great hotel for 2 older adults?

    We have only been to MB once. Stayed at Hampton Inn on the ocean and did love it.

    We wanteed to try someplace different this time, but want to make sure it%26#39;s someplace that the bus can take us and bring us back from Broadway at the beach, as we won%26#39;t drink and drive.

    Cost is not that much of an issue, but location, clean, and not all kids would be nice.

    Oh and we love a great pool/

    Any suggestions?

    A great hotel for 2 older adults?

    Southwind at around 50th st. Take it to the bank.

    A great hotel for 2 older adults?

    Have to agree with Tony....Southwind Villas are really nice! Very spacious, nice furnishings, and great balconies! Not a huge pool area, but ample....the beach in this area is, IMO, one of the best have a nice residential area just to the south of the makes for a nice walk. The bus service runs the full length of Ocean Blvd, so thats never a problem....this area has a number of great restaurants too....



    I%26#39;ve seen one room at Southwinds and it was beautiful. Can you tell me have all the rooms been refurbished? Again, TonyMik and MBConceriege.....would you take this over Forest Dunes?

    Thank for the suggestion, but after looking at Southwind all I can find is 2 or more bedrooms. Being married, we really don%26#39;t need 2 bedrooms.

    Southwind has both efficiencies and 1 bedroom units (as well as 2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom units) You might want to check out their website Some of the other websites like or Booe Realty may only offer the 2 bedrooms plus...

    As for comparing the Southwind to Forest Dunes...hmmm...I know that some of the condos at Forest Dunes are ';graded'; Tony knows more about this...and Forest Dunes is across the street from the beach...but price wise, you may find that at Forest Dunes, your rates will be a bit less. The Southwind is less than 2 years old, and is a sister property to the Sea Island (Island Vista is this property%26#39;s new name because of a ';name infringement'; lawsuit) as being hasnt been opened long enough for that to be going on....If $$ wasnt an issue, I think I%26#39;d have to go with the Southwind.


    Heres the scoop.

    Pool area= Southwind has a much better pool area.

    Location=Slight edge to Southwind because Forest Dunes is accross the road from the beach.But not that big an issue as there are no hotels on the ocean side of the road for about 3/4 of a mile heading north.

    Restaurant= Forest Dunes has a bar that may serve sandwiches, I dont remember seeing anything at Southwind but right next door at Dunes Village is a restaurant.

    Quality of rooms=Southwind is about 3 years young and is not to that point yet where many rooms are starting to show wear and tear.At Forest Dunes do not settle for a room with a C- rating.

    Cost= Forest Dunes wins this one.

    Views=Most rooms at Southwind are oceanfront ,from the 7th floor on up the oceanfront and oceanview rooms at Forest Dunes offer outstanding views as there are no high buildings on either side.The 3 bedrooms have floor to ceiling windows in the living room and the balconies are spacious.

    Kids= slight edge to Southwind but neither has as many as your apt to find at Dunes Village or Sea Island.

    Good luck with your choice.

    Best Golf-On and Off Budget

    My husband and I are going to be traveling to Charleston in Mid-March for about a week and I was wondering what some people thought were the best places to play golf? We will be taking in all the sites in Charleston (and outside as well) but my husband so loves playing golf that I would like to have a few recommendations for him when we visit.

    I know all about Kiawah and Wild Dunes (where we will be staying) and I am sure he will golf at one of those places as a special treat (they are expensive!) but I am sure once we get down there, he will get the bug to go out again. What do people think are some of the nicest courses? Maybe in the $30-80 a round range? What have people thought of the courses at Kiawah and Wild Dunes? Which would be your recommendation since we will probably one go to one?

    Thanks in advance!

    Best Golf-On and Off Budget

    I think you are going to be hard pressed to find a golf course in the Charleston area in March that charges $30-80 a round. March/April are high golf season months. You might try this website:鈥therCourses.html

    Call around to some of the courses; some are ';semi-private';; others like the Seabrook Island Club are private and you can only play if you%26#39;re staying on SI or renting through ResortQuest.

    Good luck.


    Beach Cove N myrtle beach

    Anyone have any feed back, traveling there first week in Feb,

    5 woman in there middle 40%26#39;s looking for some R %26amp; R and maybe a show or two. Planning on renting the 2br Condo ocean front.

    Thanks Rosie

    Beach Cove N myrtle beach

    Its straight across from the entrance to Barefoot Landing.About a half mile down the road and on the ocean.Great views from the higher floors.Depending on your energy level you could walk to Hamburger Joes and Olive Garden.

    A friend of ours stayed there a few years back and his room had a kind of wierd set up.Not sure if it was a 1-bedroom or 2 bed.His bed was on a higher level than his children and there was this shuttered window that would open out to the section where his children slept.Make sure you have 2 private bedrooms and not the setup I just described.

    Beach Cove N myrtle beach

    Thank you Rita%26#39;s mom:

    I%26#39;ll let you know how we make out, when we return

    We stay all the time at the Beach Cove. Love it. While the hotel could use some updating, especially of the furniture in the living space it is in a great location. Two bedrooms are set up with one master (king bed) with it%26#39;s own bath and the second with twins and a bath that has a door from the bedroom as well as one from the main area. A good sized kitchen and living area. Check prices between the two and three. You might find that the price isn%26#39;t that different in February and it would give everyone a bed.

    For others, the one bedroom where we usually stay is great. Like another poster said it it steps up from the main living area and has a shuttered window area. For a couple with kids it%26#39;s great. The kitchen and living areas are combined but one can prepare breakfast or lunch easily.

    The BeachCove provides has a coffee maker (10 cup) in all the suites regardless of size and provides coffee the first nite. After that you must provide your own coffee. They have a Starbucks in the lobby but hours are weird. I%26#39;m sure they are open in the mornings though. The Starbucks is also a martini bar in the evenings. Internet access (wireless) is available anywhere on the second or first floors.

    There is a restaurant also but have never eaten there.

    Enjoy your trip.

    MyrtleBeach-Visitor- have they ever said anything about the upgrades of furniture and rooms any time soon?

    No. I was going to fill out the comment card but forgot. They%26#39;ve paid attention before to our comments it seems. Perhaps I%26#39;ll go to their site and suggest it.

    Note also that they are building a new resort next door (the old campground0 that just may make it noisy for a while. It wasn%26#39;t bad over New Years because they only worked the one day (Saturday) during our stay and it was only a half day. It seems also that one would be hard pressed at many resorts this year to find no construction nearby.

    Since this new fancy resort is going up I%26#39;d expect them to start at least changing out the furniture. They%26#39;ve done the lobby in some new ';fake?'; leather furniture that looks nice.

    The gentleman I spoke to on the phone when I made my reservation told me the rooms have just be refurbished.

    that was just last week

    Well I don%26#39;t know when they did it because the room I had wasn%26#39;t (it was the one bedroom). It had a different style coffee table than I%26#39;d seen previously in other rooms, however, since they were glass I assumed someone just broke them. Believe me, the couch was old. Please post back here after your return and let us know whether or not they%26#39;ve been updated. You should enjoy yourself anyway.

    BTW I should mention it was over the New Years holiday I was there.

    What is Myrtle Beach Like in the Summer?

    We have only visited MB in late March and early May, both of which proved to be wonderful times to go--no crowds, weather that was neither extremely cold nor extremely hot, lower room rates, etc. A recent thread on this board posed the question of why anyone would want to go to MB in the winter which has got me wondering what it is like to go in the peak of summer. Here%26#39;s how I envision it: extremely hot, very crowded, long lines at all of the attractions and restaurants, kids everywhere, heavy traffic, etc. Not to paint a totally negative picture, but I just don%26#39;t think that I would want to be there in July or August. Am I way off base and it%26#39;s not all that bad? I%26#39;m just curious.

    What is Myrtle Beach Like in the Summer?

    You%26#39;ve pretty much ';envisioned'; it correctly. We%26#39;re lucky enough to be able to get in multiple trips. Off season and peak season. Be honest we enjoy both.

    Yes it%26#39;s nice in May when it%26#39;s just the two of us. Very relaxing and one week feels like two because we do so little.

    Our summer trip is the whole family. Kids and grandkids. We combat the longer lines by eating more meals at condo. Saves money and more relaxing. Evenings we go out, we avoid the large popular restaurants opting for the smaller offf the beaten path places.

    Larger attractions aren%26#39;t that bad. Heaveier crowds than in May but with things spread out you really don%26#39;t notice. Temps the last two years for summer trip (July) have been in high 90%26#39;s. Puts a damper on doing much more than just sitting, tanning and watching waves. Then again.....What%26#39;s wrong with that?

    What is Myrtle Beach Like in the Summer?

    I also have been down in July the last 2 years and since i golf about 4 to 5 days a week i watch the temperature daily in the newspaper.Last year the temps ran between 85 and 92 degrees the first 2 weeks in July.It was hotter in my home state of N.J..

    Yes the crowds are larger but if you stay in the area of Myrtle Beach between 48th and 79th that area is less crowded than others.Island Vista(Sea Island),Dunes Village,Southwind,Forest Dunes and Grande Shores are some hotels in that area.

    For restaurants you go early,use call ahead waiting or reservations when applicable or hit places like Villa Mare or ride down to Filets on the marina in Little River.Carolina Roadhouse is great for takeout with 2 parking spaces reserved just for people picking up orders.Or reserve at Landry%26#39;s and then walk Broadway At The Beach till its near your seating time.

    Great Firework displays both at the beach and at attractions like Barefoot and Broadway.

    Golf is also cheaper.So I would say its far from a negative picture.

    I think MBConcierge will back me up on that.

    Yep, you%26#39;ve got it! All of the above. And I say that fondly. We had many happy family vacations at MB in June %26amp; loved it.

    But, now that I don%26#39;t have to worry about kids I think September is absolutely perfect (barring any hurricanes).

    The last time I went in summer...was my last! LOL. I can%26#39;t take the traffic! Best wishes.

    To bud41,

    I live in Central N.J. and every work day both the morning and evening rush hours compare with Myrtle Beach in July possibly even worse on many roads. So summer traffic in Myrtle really doesn%26#39;t faze me.

  • facial blackheads
  • List of restaurants that we're thinking of going to

    I%26#39;ve been working on a list of restaurants to choose from for our two trips to Garden City Beach this coming summer and wanted to know if anyone had any comments about any of them good or bad.

    We%26#39;re looking for good food and reasonable prices and I also have had an eye out for coupons and earlybird specials.

    Southern Suppers

    Gulf Stream Café

    Nico%26#39;s Of New York Italian Restaurant %26amp; Pizzeria

    Conch Cafe %26amp; Lounge

    Ultimate California Pizza

    The Hot Fish Club

    Bummz on the Beach

    The Original Benjamins

    J. Edwards Great Ribs

    Angelo%26#39;s Steak and Pasta

    Chesapeake House

    Thorny%26#39;s Steakhouse %26amp; Saloon

    Filling Station Restaurant

    Thanks for your help!


    Saxonburg, PA

    List of restaurants that we're thinking of going to

    Lots of reviews on this site

    List of restaurants that we're thinking of going to

    If I%26#39;m not mistaken...I think Southern Suppers has sold out, but then again you never know, it just may be an ownership change. Other than that, I think your list looks good. You have a few of my favs there, Hot Fish, Chesapeake House (you might also try their sister restaurant Chestnut Hill), Bummz, Thorny%26#39;s (decent steaks, good price), Conch Cafe (love their deck!), Gulfstream (cant beat the view or the early bird specials!) and UCP for pizza. Not really a big fan of the Filling Station, but I know during season, they do a pretty good business....there is another pizza buffet place called East of Chicago located just north of the 48th Ave N light on Kings Hwy.

    One thing we are not short on here at the beach are some good places to eat!


    Hey Ron:

    I%26#39;ve no idea where Saxonburg is (originally from PA) but I saw I guy on the beach today with a T-shirt from there (and was with someone with a Carlisle T-shirt).

    I%26#39;ve not been to every one of your prospective eating establishments, but it looks like a good list to me....gleaned from this forum?

    I%26#39;ve done all kinds of research to find my list. This forum, review sites etc. I really appreciate insight from locals. They live and eat there all th time and know where the good places are. I%26#39;m also looking for the best deal fo the dollar. Early Bird specials are great for saving money and to beat some of the huge waits.

    Are there any places that are a MUST? By the way as for the question of where Saxonburg, PA is. We%26#39;re about 45 minutes north east of Pittsburgh. Close to Interstate 79 and the PA Turnpike 76.

    Due to some confusion in planning my family will be coming down to Garden City beach twice this summer, (it%26#39;s tough but someone has to do it).

    After my parents had decided not to do the beach trip this year because my brother couldn%26#39;t make it I made plans with two other families to rent a beach house in August (more affordable). The day after we made our reservation my brother said he could go and my parents decided to go after all and made plans for July. So we%26#39;ll be there twice. My son couldn%26#39;t be happier, he loves the beach.

    I really enjoy this forum and the information that can be learned from all of you. Thanks again for everything.


    Saxonburg, PA

    We love California Pizza and Benjamins - make sure you check the coupon books for savings.

    Filling Station is low-budget cardboard crap. It%26#39;s busy and it seems to take forever for the one cook to replenish the small pizza stands. Don%26#39;t waste your time. As MBC suggested, check out East of Chicago.

    People seem to like Bummz but we had a bad experience there with service and the food was below average.

    Last trip down we went to Sticky Fingers at Coastal Grand Mall and enjoyed the ribs and chicken immensely. Great choice of sauces at the table to dip.

    You can%26#39;t go wrong at Thorny%26#39;s and you won%26#39;t leave hungry.

    The Grill House is a fabulous and affordable steak place on Hwy. 17 near the Avista Resort in North Myrtle Beach. The owner even takes toime to come around and ask guests if they%26#39;re satisfied. I think they are opening another one in Myrtle Beach, too.

    I would also suggest Sea Captain%26#39;s if you want excellent made-to-order seafood.




    I%26#39;m not a local, but have owned a house in Surfside for years. Love Ultimate California Pizza. That%26#39;s usually our first dinner on the day we arrive. Too tired to cook or go out. We like Gulf Stream Cafe, I think they take reservations or go early. I%26#39;ve heard good things about the Hot Fish Club in Murrell%26#39;s Inlet. Haven%26#39;t been there, we like Nance%26#39;s in MI. A couple of our favorites that aren%26#39;t on your list are Nibel%26#39;s at the Surfside Pier. Don%26#39;t let the outside fool you, great food and a view of the ocean. They serve breakfast, lunch and dinner and all are wonderful. They also take reservations for dinner. We also like Bubba%26#39;s Fish Shack across the street. Sara J%26#39;s in Garden City is good, go early. If you like mexican El Cerro Grande on 17 bus in Garden City is great, or Burro Loco, up near the Coastal Grande Mall. There are a lot of good restaraunts in Murrell%26#39;s Inlet, Garden City and Surfside. Don%26#39;t waste your time driving way up into MB in all the traffic unless you%26#39;re going for other reasons. The Coastal Grande Mall is only about 20 mins up 17 Bypass, they have a great movie theatre for rainy days and there are some good restaurants there. Have a great time.

    Can recomend Gulf Stream %26amp; Ultimate California Pizza. Haven%26#39;t been to Angleo%26#39;s for a couple of years but we liked it.

    Although I am not a buffet fan, the Original Benjamins is my family%26#39;s favorite seafood buffet.

    You might want to add Nibils to your list. Its in Surfside and right on the ocean.

    where to stay in SFB area with kids?

    have thought that this area may be the best for us...location! Need to have ideas%26#39;s on where to stay that is nice but affordable. A great pool would be nice. Any suggestios???


    where to stay in SFB area with kids?

    Best bet on the Ocean is the SeaCrest Resort. do not confuse with the timeshare resort with a similar name

    ';North Shore'; is next to Coligny and a block from the ocean. They have a great rooftop pool with ocean views.

    Other good choices ';Shorewood'; and ';ocean One';

    If you can get in try Marriotts ';Grand Ocean';. This is a timeshare, but you may get a unit that has been turned by it%26#39;s owner for Marriott points. Check with Marriotts web page or their toll free reservations line.

    Stan (hhiguy)

    where to stay in SFB area with kids?

    Thanks for your input. Being close to the stores would be nice. Would also like the extra room for the 5 of us.

    We have stayed at Ocean One and love it- the pool is very large and it is a 1 minute walk to Coligny for shops, ice cream and coffee. Last year we stayed at Shorewood and it was beautiful too. A little further from Coligny but a beautiful pool. SFB is the area to be in if you have kids- everything is walkable. One reason I like these 2 properties is the fact that you canrent a first floor unit and literally walk out onto the large lawn before the beach- no elevators or stairs!

    Want to visit SC for a week but I am unsure where to go...

    We are planing on visiting SC in September. My wife and I are coming from Germany so I want to make sure that I ask you people where it麓s best to stay rather than a travel agent. We are in the mid 30, like the beach of course as well as good food. Even though we play golf it麓s not really our primary reason to come down there.

    We are doing a round trip in from New York to Maine prior to the week in SC. Which airport in SC would you recommend to start the trip.

    Any advide is much appreciated.

    Want to visit SC for a week but I am unsure where to go...

    Guten Tag, about all I remember High School German. My husband was stationed in Germany in Army (I will kill the name, Kaiser-Schlater one of the Army bases) I know that is not how to spell it.

    Anyway, September is a nice time to come to the beach. There are many nice resorts, my suggestion is look to the left at the South Carolina Hotels, find some that interst you as far as price range.Thats the biggest thing, we can make recommendations but it may not be in the price range you desire.

    MB Conceirge is quite knowledgeable on hotels and I know she can help you alot. She posts frequently so she will see your questions.

    Nicer accomodations I recommend Marriott Grand Dunes. It is centrally located.

    Are you renting a car? As far as airports, Myrtle Beach International is your best choice, brings you right into MB. You have other options but not as convenient. You can fly into Charleston, SC several hour trip by car or Wilmington, NC, about hour and half by car into MB. Charleston is a beautiful city.

    I am sure you are aware of the many golf courses MB offers. Should you decide to play a round or two, I am sure the hotel can help with tee times or make suggestions. What course really depends on where you are staying, if you don%26#39;t want long drives. If you want to be closer to where the action is in Myrlte Beach, they have the Breakers and Camelot by the Sea.

    Want to visit SC for a week but I am unsure where to go...

    Although there is always the possibility of a tropical storm, September weather is usually wonderful for sightseeing, golfing, and enjoying the beach in South Carolina.

    You will certainly want to visit Charleston, which is a very beautiful and important city in American history, and which also has outstanding restaurants. You will have no trouble finding flights into CHS (Charleston International Airport). From Charleston you can travel north toward Myrtle Beach, or south toward Savannah, Georgia, which is another fascinating destination.

    You can easily combine visits to Charleston with a beach and golf vacation if you stay on one of the nearby islands such as Isle of Palms, Folly Beach, Seabrook Island, or (my personal favorite) Kiawah Island.

    MeisterB, if the beaches are your primary goal, and not interested in amusements and other touristy stuff, I%26#39;d check out Garden City/Surfside (south of Myrtle) or Cherry Grove section of North Myrtle Beach. Both have great beaches and accomdations right on the ocean. For Garden City/Surfside try Dunes Realty or Garden City Realty...for North Myrtle, Elliott Realty. Charleston is great for history, dining, historic homes, etc...but not a beach town. Another SC town I%26#39;m fond of is Beaufort....kind of like Charleston, but smaller.

    There%26#39;s also Hilton Head Island. The best flight into HHI would be to the Savannah-Hilton Head International in Savannah. You should be able to get a direct flight. Then, you could either take a shuttle bus to Hilton Head or rent a car. It%26#39;s about a 45 mintues ride from the airport.

    Hilton Head has a lovely beach, plenty of good food and lots of golf courses.

    Charleston is a must visit.

    Have a great holiday.

    Charleston is for visitors - seafood, ambience, culture (concerts,museum,art galleries).

    This is an old city with old homes and plantations (though not as old as Europe). If you stay in downtown - shop and eat, you won%26#39;t need a car. Hotels have shuttles to the airport.

    Beaches are close to city center but not walking distance. You will need to rent a car to get around if you%26#39;re interested in beaches or golf. There are buses. Lots of hotels.

    Charleston Visitors Bureau for info.

    Hilton Head - Beaches and golf and shopping outlet malls. You will need to a car to go around the island. There are buses, but not convient. You might want to travel and explore Savannah or Beaufort ( 1 hr drive away). Beaches are deeper. Mostly condos.

    Myrtle Beach - Golf and shopping at outlet malls.

    The main beaches are shallow unless they%26#39;ve finish the refurbishment. Still haven%26#39;t found a great motel myself.

    The nicest place is the Brookgreen gardens where sculpture and landscape is integrated. Go to the beach across from the entrance to the garden ( extra fee). That is much more quiet and deep.

    You will need a car to get around. lots of motels, condos.

    Hope this helps.


    I would recommend flying into the Florence airport, or Columbia Metropolitan. I%26#39;ve been visiting Myrtle Beach since I was a young child, and I%26#39;ve seen it grow and become a bigger tourist draw than many other East Coast towns, such as Daytona Beach or Virginia Beach. You will have plenty to keep you entertained at Myrtle Beach. The Charleston area is also full of things to see and do. I don%26#39;t know too much about inland South Carolina, but if you%26#39;re in S.C., I would reccomend the 4-hour drive to Atlanta, Georgia.

    If time is a consideration, then flying into Florence or Columbia may not be best bet. You will pay little more for flight into Myrtle Beach, but if you are on limited time frame and renting a car, I vote Myrlte Beach. There is nothing to do in Florence. Columbia is our state capital, nice museum and zoo there.

    Any advise on the Paradise Resort?

    We found a condo available in the Paradise Resort 2201 S. Ocean Blvd. does anybody have any pros/cons about this place? I think its new, their website doesn%26#39;t show too many pictures. The private owner of the condo of course has plenty of good things to say but I would like anybody who may be in the area or been here before to comment. Thnaks!

    Any advise on the Paradise Resort?

    If I%26#39;m not mistaken Paradise REsort just recently opened. This is a pretty new building, amist all of that construction that was going on at that end of the beach last year. A number of those projects are finishing up, so dont think construction will be a huge issue.

    The south end of the beach is more of the ';family'; beach, and can get pretty crowded. But other than that, I would say if you found a new place at a decent price.......


    Any advise on the Paradise Resort?

    I looked on line and what a nice looking resort, would think it would be worth checking it out. As always, you can find good and bad with anywhere and everywhere. The south side is not my favorite end of the beach, but I live on the north, so its just preference. No matter where you stay, north or south, always use caution coming and going, particularly at night.

    College Spring Break 07, wher younger people stay

    Hello all! 3 of my good friends and i, in age range from 23-26 will be in myrtle beach March the 14th-17th and were wondering where places to stay around other students would be located. We%26#39;d like to get 1 large room ideally, and have heard about, but would just like to know where most of the students stay as to avoid most of the older people on our trip. I know broadway at the beach is going to b a main attraction, along with the beach, weather permitting. From checking the annual weather guides for march about that time it shoud be mid to high 60s during the day. Any help would be much appreciated!

    College Spring Break 07, wher younger people stay

    I would look at the area closer to downtown...maybe around the Breakers and south of there. A number of properties will not rent to those under 25, so that may eliminate some places, some will rent but will charge you a security deposit. Another area that is popular with the younger crowd is around 4th Ave N to about 1st Ave South...Midtown Motor Inn, Rainbow Court...just to name a few...maybe a bit ';seedier'; than the OF properties, but alot less $$...guess it depends on what you want to spend your money on. Really...that time of year, you%26#39;ll have a pretty good mix of young and old all up and down the not a particular area that I would say stay away from. March can be iffy, but hey, so far January is absolute heaven! We%26#39;re seeing temps in the mid 70%26#39;s who knows what spring will bring, right? You could be laying out with 90 degree weather by then! LOL!


    College Spring Break 07, wher younger people stay

    You will want to stay closer to central Myrtle Beach. You can probably find good prices on VRBO but the condos would put you out of the ';action';. There are several good places to stay in the area of the 20%26#39;s to the 30%26#39;s (avenues). To mention a few...The Caribbean, The Breakers.

    Don%26#39;t know which of them rent to under age 25 but not many do--so when you find a place-don%26#39;t wait long to book!

    thank you both for the advice and we will definitely get on it asap!

    I sure don%26#39;t want to disappoint you, but us OLD FOGGIES also like to go out as well. Broadway at the Beach does appeal to all ages, Crocodile Rocks is a tremendous amount of fun and people from all ages go and all have a good time. From there you have many options to hit ';dance clubs'; by the time you want to hit those places us old people are heading to the Pancake House. If you go to Crocodile Rocks, you pay one cover and get into Revolutions a dance club. But you might find us there as well! Anyway, definitely listen to MB Concer. she will not steer you wrong regarding accomodations. You can also head up to North Myrtle Beach to the Spanish Galleon night club, its a young crowd as well, if you decide to stay on that end. Although N. MB is much quieter.

    We stayed at t he Reef Resort last March and they rent to college students. There was some right next to us. THey were not a bother though because they was gone all night and sleep all day.

    It anit a very clean hotel though.

    I would say the are near Family Kingdom and just north and south of there. We stayed at the Compass Cove one summer and there were a lot of college kids down there and lots of younger people.

    planning honeymoon in charleston in august

    Hello! My fiance and I are planning a honeymoon in August that will include the Charleston area. We wanted to kind of stay in a cabin or secluded cottage type accomidations there. Any tips on where to look or great places we should definitely see or eat at? Thanks so much!!!

    planning honeymoon in charleston in august

    If you want seclusion, try one of the islands. Perhaps, Seabrook Island; there are no hotels on SI, you have to rent from an owner or through one of the management companies (* disclaimer* I own a villa on SI).

    Seabrook or Kiawah offers small villas to large homes. Kiawah does have The Sanctuary, a five star hotel. Both island offer seclusion while being a short 30 minute drive into Charleston.

    Have fun planning!


    planning honeymoon in charleston in august

    I am all for Kiawah and Seabrook; but, in August, you might not find real seclusion since both islands are popular summer vacation destinations.

    If you want something more rustic and secluded, consider renting a cabin at one of the stae parks near Charleston. Check the official link at --…

    If you want a private villa close to the beach, with proximity to Charleston and with lovely resort amenities, definitely consider Kiawah and Seabrook.

    Also, try on Patriots Point, there are some cabins over there you can rent. In Summerville, there is a great hotel (small) called the Woodlands which would be perfect for a honeymoon, but it is a drive to Charleston-proper.

  • facial blackheads
  • Tropical Oasis??

    Whats this place like??Were looking for somewhere cheap, cheerful and safe.Any ideas,not on a budget but dont want to break the bank either??Euros doing well agains the dollar these days!!

    Tropical Oasis??;ve stumped me on this one. I%26#39;ve been searching thru just about anything I can get my hands on, and.....does this place actually exist? It%26#39;s not listed in any of the material that I have, and not even in our local phone could be a property that was here in the past, many of the smaller places have faced....consumed by a larger property.

    When you say cheap...what price range are you looking at? There are a number of places around that wont cost you an arm and a leg, and still be a decent place to stay. You may want to look at staying what we call ';second row'; or even ';third row'; (across the street or 1 block away from the beach) to save some $$ on your accomodations. If there are a number of you traveling together you might look at booking a larger condo (some OF places offer condos with as many as 5 bedrooms). I know when I travel I%26#39;d rather spend the extra cash on things to do, my eats and drinks than the extra fluff for my hotel room.

    Give us some more info (time of year visiting/numbre in party) and I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll get some suggetions of places to call it a night.


    Tropical Oasis??

    planning on staying for june(hear its wild),july and then round it off with a roadtrip,will be a working holiday

    June and July can both be a bit said a working holiday? Are you planning on working here at the beach? If so...a number of potential employers will assist with housing, esp. Burroughs and Chapin and some of the lifeguard services.


    I%26#39;ve been playing on the last day or two. Typed in Myrtle Beach. Several pages into it there was a video from two girls showing their ';cheap'; motel room. Wasn%26#39;t much bigger than a large closet.

    I%26#39;ve stayed in some dives in my time. I couldn%26#39;t believe there was a place for rent in MB like what they showed.

    Be very careful just going by price. Go for cheapest you might get a place not fit to stay in.

    as i said we not trying to do a budget vacation,would like decent value but dont want to live in a box for the summer.Accommodation is very expensive herre,and the euro is strong at the moment.Would $120-$180 per week get you a decent place

    No, $120 - $180 per week would be out of the question for June %26amp; July. I don%26#39;t even know if you could get a ';not so decent'; place for that.

    Was biting my toungue on this one. Didn%26#39;t want to be first to say no. I%26#39;m figuring $120 would be close to daily rate that time of year.

    As somebody said earlier, the farther off the beach you get the cheaper the rates. Even then I think we paid in the $90 range for a motel room at Red Roof Inn on Rt 17 a few years ago.

    Have to agree...not sure even if you stayed ';10th row'; you%26#39;d find rates that low. You might check out Midtown Motor Inn...they are located right downtown, not far from BoDo%26#39;s German restaurant (a fun hangout for the younger crowd)...only thing is, they are right across the street from the old pavillon, so not sure how far along the deconstruction will be at that time...but that could also work in your favor.....

    If you are planning on working the beach, a number of employees do help subsidize your housing. So thats something to check into.

    good luck!


    Don%26#39;t worry im not going to take offense to it!!!but say for example where would ';senior weekers'; stay??is their accommodation expensive??eg Rainbow Court?/The Grand Inn ??

    I WOULD NOT recommend Rainbow Court, nor anything in the close proximity of that establishment. You mentioned police, that might be a prime location for law enforcement to be found. Night time around that area can be very dicey. I am sure you want to stay on the beach, stick to addresses that say Ocean Blvd or Ocean Drive. Ocean Drive is North Myrlte Beach, not as much night life in NMB for younger people then in Myrtle Beach itself. Dayton House is a suggestion

    Baby turtles in MB shops?

    I went to Myrtle Beach for the second time last July for my 1 year wedding anniversary and unlike the first time, I saw baby turtles in one of the shops. I wanted to get a couple, but we ended up just doing nothing the whole time while we were there. Which was great.

    Anyway, I kept teling myself that if we went for our two year anniversary, I would get some of them. Because I just think they%26#39;re so cute. Well, I%26#39;ve tried finding info on the turtles on the web, but can%26#39;t.

    What I want to know is, are they easy to take care of? Is it humane to buy baby turtles from an ';everything'; shop? I%26#39;ve read something about other turtles being sold in places like that, and heard it%26#39;s just a way to get your money because it%26#39;s easy to take care of them, but they end up costing ALOT of money to take care of.

    I don%26#39;t want to buy some just to buy some, I want to make a good choice. If anyone could help me, I%26#39;d appreciate it.


    Baby turtles in MB shops?

    In think that turtles, as pets go, are fairly cheap to feed and care for. A former girlfriend of mine had an 8'; Box Turtle that had the run (LOL) of the house. But there are other concerns:

    Salmonella Makes a Comeback Along with Baby Turtles

    Why it is Illegal to Sell Turtles Less than 4 Inches in Length


    Long Bay Resort Condo vs. Beach Cove Resort Condo

    Hi All:

    We are vacationing with 2 children (5 and 15 months) and due to all of the info I%26#39;ve read on your forum have narrowed our seach down to 2 properties: Long Bay Resort or Beach Cove Resort.

    The things that is most important to us is the pool and the location.

    Also another question - is booking through VRBO reliable?

    Thanks for all of your help!

    Long Bay Resort Condo vs. Beach Cove Resort Condo

    Please can anyone help???


    Long Bay Resort Condo vs. Beach Cove Resort Condo

    Long Bay seems to get decent reviews and we recommend North Ocean Blvd, anytime over South Ocean Blvd. (You will find some that like South OB, but we don%26#39;t). I have not used VRBO, but I noticed that the name pops up many times on the other state forums, we travel alot and I like to read what is going on. VRBO seems to be highly recommended by people on the tripadvisor forum. No matter where you stay, you will have to travel by car to get to most attractions.

    I haven%26#39;t stayed at either. But from what I have seen and heard

    Long Bay Resort is better.

    I don%26#39;t like using the agents to book anything. I just do it myself and ask the reservationist for any specials.

    This will be our sixth trip to the Long Bay. We are also a family of five and travel with 5 other families. The location is second to none. You are a short drive to everything and can even walk to mini golf, groceries, The Cane Patch and the pharmacy. Perfect for families, because the golfers who stay at the resort are gone all day and by the time they return the kids are ready for bed. The building itself and the grounds have been %26#39;freshened up%26#39; and well maintained, but you are not staying at a 5+ star Manhattan hotel. The lazy river inside is wonderful for the kids and outside the pool area is well protected from any wind which makes it feel about ten degrees warmer than it actually is. A nice recent addition is the wireless internet in the Starbucks, so you can stay %26#39;plugged in%26#39;. I hope this helps. Enjoy.

    This will be our sixth trip to the Long Bay. We are also a family of five and travel with 5 other families. The location is second to none. You are a short drive to everything and can even walk to mini golf, groceries, The Cane Patch and the pharmacy. Perfect for families, because the golfers who stay at the resort are gone all day and by the time they return the kids are ready for bed. The building itself and the grounds have been %26#39;freshened up%26#39; and well maintained, but you are not staying at a 5+ star Manhattan hotel. The lazy river inside is wonderful for the kids and outside the pool area is well protected from any wind which makes it feel about ten degrees warmer than it actually is. A nice recent addition is the wireless internet in the Starbucks, so you can stay %26#39;plugged in%26#39;. I hope this helps. Enjoy.

    I don%26#39;t know Beach Cove but have stayed at Long Bay several times, and it is one of our favorites, both for location %26amp; the pools are some of the nicest on the Strand.

    Has anyone stayed in the south oceanview 2 room apartment at Long Bay?

    Hair salon for a wedding in the Isle of Palms area?

    Does anyone know of a good hair salon/stylist that I could trust to do a great job on my hair for my wedding? Im from Ohio and I am not too familiar with area? Also, do you know of a salon that will do make-up too? Thanks!

    Hair salon for a wedding in the Isle of Palms area?

    The Wild Dunes Resort on IOP has a salon/spa, but I am not familiar with them.

    My hairdresser works in a salon on Longpoint Rd. in Mt. Pleasant, about a 15 min drive from IOP (I live on IOP) I have been with her for over 2 years. The name of the salon is Salon Bellezza and it is very nice. I%26#39;m not positive if they offer make up, altho they do have mani/pedicures. There is also a great day spa next door (seperately owned than the salon) called Urban Nirvana, they offer facials, massage, etc. Their web site is

    My hairdresser is named Amber Butler and of course I think she is wonderful.

    Maybe this will be useful to you.

    where to stay on a budget with kids? Good location too

    After searching these considering the Beachwalk hotel. Will probably only need to stay for 5 days. Seems like it has good reviews, breakfast included in price, within walking distance to the plaza. Any thoughts or suggestions?


    where to stay on a budget with kids? Good location too

    I stayed there when it was the Holiday Inn a few years ago and it was nice.

    Wondering what time of year you are going because even if you are only staying 5 days - a condo may be cheaper.

    where to stay on a budget with kids? Good location too

    We will be going in July. A condo would be great, more room for the 5 of us. Any suggestions????

    Since July is high season, you will need to rent for an entire week.

    Depending on how close you want to be to the beach and how much money you want to spend - I can give you a few suggestions of where I would stay. I would search for these places on - you can get cheaper rates when renting by owner.

    I have maps of the complexes in most areas if you want me to send them to you.

    I tried to only put lesser expensive units in this list most are around $1000. If you are willing to spend more for the week, it would open up a lot more options closer to the beach for you. There are MANY other options on the island if none of these seem like what you want.


    (walk to bike to the beach)


    (I just happen to own one :-)

    3 br, 3.5 ba - $1353/week about 10 minute walk to beach


    2br ~$1200 - $1600 depending on where you are in the complex. The closer to the beach, the more expensive. Anywhere from 5-10 min walk to beach

    Palmetto Dunes

    (walk or bike to the beach or call the free shuttle)

    Queens Grant

    2-3 br ~$800 - $1300/week about 10-20 minute walk to beach depending where you are in the complex.

    Water Oak

    2 br ~$1000/week about 10-15 min walk to beach

    Palmetto Dunes/Shelter Cove

    (shuttle or bike to the beach - walk to restaurants and shops)

    Harbourside I, II and III

    2br ~$1100/week


    2br ~ 900/week

    Forest Beach Area


    2br ~$800/week 7 min walk to beach, close to Coligny plaza

    Folly Field Area

    Hilton Head Beach and Tennis

    2br ~$800 -$1000 This complex is on the beach but depending on the unit you are in, it could be up to 10 min walk to beach I think. Just guessing.

    We will not be able to stay for a week, so maybe a nice hotel is the way to go. Probably in the forrest beach area. Looking to stay for 4 nights. Thanks for your info.


    Things to Do for Teens in Spring

    Hi, we are coming to HH for the second time the first week of April. Last year, my kids, ages 12 and 15 complained that there was not much to do. Can anyone with older children make some recommendations on how we can make this trip more fun. We just got back from an eco adventure in Costa Rica so nothing will really compare but I would like to have as many teen options as possible. I think last time we biked, played mini golf and walked around Harbourtown, Thanks. :)

    Things to Do for Teens in Spring

    Check for events sponsored by the Coastal Discovery Museum. They have nature hikes and Kayaking adventures.

    You should also visit the ruins of Fort Mitchell in Hilton Head Plantation which is next to the Old Fort Pub. This Civil War fort figured in the battle of Port Royal during the Civil War.

    Try Horseback riding at Lawton Stables in SeaPines. Sign the kids up for tennis lessons. There are tennis centers in each of our communiites, and if you are staying in Forest Beach, there is the Van der Meer Center.

    Finally take them fishing, or on a dolphin Cruise. Bottom fishing is available for about $50 for a half day.

    Stan 9hhiguy)

    Things to Do for Teens in Spring

    go kayaking on the may river in blufton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Since you have done alot of things already I would suggest horse back riding at Lawton Stables or going on the Dolphin Cruise at Shelter Cove. In the evening or If it rains, go bowling or to the movies. Otherwise Savannah is only an hour away. They have alot of city tours, carraige rides, river/dinner cruises and historical areas. Check out websites, or Hilton Head. com or Hilton and see what other things are on the calender for April.

    thanks for the ideas :)

  • facial blackheads
  • Dirty Dishes

    I have been reading some reviews of where i plan to stay at in the future. Many people have complained aobut dirty dishes in there reviews. Well first of all, I wash the dish before I sued it anyway when I stayed at a hotel so that was not a big deal.

    Many people were saying the maids did not clean there dishes or the maids put dirty dishes in the cabinets. At all the hotels I have stayed at the maids did not wash dishes.

    Some people would give the hotel a bad rating because of dirty dishes and it it anit there responibilty to wash the dishes.

    The reason that I posted this is because some people are complaining about things that was there own responibilites.

    Dirty Dishes

    Dear friend - in most condos and units with kitchens at Myrtle Beach, it is the renter%26#39;s responsibility to put dirty dishes in the dishwasher. The housekeepers are to run the dishwasher as they clean the room and then put the clean dishes in the cabinet. I assume you have not stayed in such establishments. If a housekeeper will put dirtry dishes in a cabinet, that%26#39;s probably a good sign that she will cut corners somewhere else. Thankfully, the last couple of places I%26#39;ve stayed had excellent housekeeping, but I know it%26#39;s not standard. Best wishes to you.

    Dirty Dishes

    We%26#39;ve always washed the dishes and placed them in cabinets. Never heard of doing it any other way. Bottom line......Always leave the place just as you found it.

    Condos and Resorts are different. We stayed at Breakers Resort and the dishes were to be cleaned by the person staying in the resort. The maids only clean common areas around the kitchen (stove, counter, refrigerator, etc.)

    People are just waiting for something to complain about. Get over it. If you don%26#39;t want to wash dishes, use plastic ware or eat out.

    Instructions at Sea Island are to load the dishwasher and the housekeeper will turn it on. They want to run it to make sure the dishes ARE clean when put up. Most places I%26#39;ve stayed have that policy. Of course, not all places have the same policies. I think the bottom line is to follow the policy...and I do believe the management has a responsibility to make sure units are clean- including dishes. That%26#39;s a reasonable expectation when paying for a rental. Best wishes.

    In the past when we have stayed at a condo vs. a hotel room, we have always done our own dishes, emptied our own trash, etc. just as if we were in our own kitchen at home. I guess I always figured that those poor ladies in housekeeping have enough to do, what with people tracking sand in all over the place, puking all over when they%26#39;ve had too much to drink, etc. I never considered it from the angle that the housekeeping staff is supposed to run and unload the dishwasher to make sure the dishes are clean when they go back into the cupboards. Still, as a wife and mom, it would be almost impossible for me to not just do it myself, I%26#39;m so used to it!

    Most hotels make it clear that maids do not wash dishes. I think that%26#39;s more than fair.

    But, I would worry about a housekeeping staff that routinely sticks dirty dishes back into the cupboard.

    Let me clarify my post - I am refering to check out - not daily room maintenance. It is the guests responsibility to do their own dishes during the stay - but upon check out it is the property%26#39;s responsibility to make sure the dishes in the cupboard are clean. Hence - the Sea Island ( and other locations where we%26#39;ve stayed) instruct you to put dishes in the dishwasher upon check out so they can run it and make sure they are clean. This policy works. Do you trust the people who stayed before you? I surely don%26#39;t! Best wishes.

    Dolphin Adventure Cruise or Sea Thunder/Screamer

    Ok, I%26#39;ve heard the information on the Sea Screamer and Sea Thunder now I%26#39;m curious on how they compare to the Hurricane Fleet%26#39;s Dolphin Adventure Cruise?

    We%26#39;ll have 6 adults and 4 kids, ages 4, 6, 8 %26amp; 9

    Any suggestions or recomendations?



    Saxonburg, PA

    Dolphin Adventure Cruise or Sea Thunder/Screamer

    Having only been on the Sea Screamer I%26#39;d probably go for the Dolphin Adventure Cruise if it%26#39;s dolphins you%26#39;re looking for. The Sea Screamer is 95% about going fast, 5% dolphin watching.

    Nicest Hotels in Myrtle Beach

    Hi, can anyone help steer us in the right direction of which hotels/resorts to stay in on our trip to Myrtle Beach in the beginning of April? We would like to stay somewhere that is considered four stars and away from the crowds (sping breakers). We have a young child so pools especially indoors at this time of year are important to us. We were thinking of Sea Island Inn, it looks beautiful, and the Marriot Dunes. Sea Island looks like it offers more in the way of indoor pools. Both seem secluded from the other high rise hotels.

    Maybe there are even other places that we don%26#39;t know of yet?

    Thank you so much!!!

    Nicest Hotels in Myrtle Beach

    If you are looking at staying OF, then, you (IMO) have picked my top 2...I would probably add South Wind Villas in that mix too. If not wanting OF, Marina Inn and Villas just opened this past November and is awesom. They are located on the ICW so you do see water, but not the ocean.


    Nicest Hotels in Myrtle Beach

    Thank you for your advice. I have more questions:) the only hotel that seems to have really nice indoor pools from the pictures that are on the website is Sea Island. Do you know if the other pools in the other hotels are as nice? Someone said they really liked the pools at Dunes

    Village for children, how come? Do you know if these outdoor pools are heated?

    Thanks again

    The pool area at Dunes Village is just a bit more elaborate (i.e. dual slides, etc) than the Sea Island....but the ';landscape'; around the pool area (indoor and out) at Sea Island (Island Vista) is first class...and the Mariott pool area is nice too, but not as ';involved'; as Dunes or Sea Island. I think you would be happy at either one, really.


    Mystic Sea S. Ocean Blvd. Myrtle beach SC

    Has anyone stayed at the Mystic Sea since the construction of the new condo%26#39;s is completed? Received a newsletter from the Mystic Sea stating that the construction is completed and now their property is in tip top shape. When I stayed in July the property was heading down hill fast.

    Mystic Sea S. Ocean Blvd. Myrtle beach SC

    I anit bever stayed there. I know that there was constructon going on right beside it in March though of a high rise going up. So when you make your reservations I would ask if the construction is comolete next door before I maked the reservations.

    carolina safari jeep tours

    Have to say the Carolina Safari Jeep Tours is an amazing quality experience. This is way above your average tour in fun, value and information. It is really sharp for everyone in your whole family too.

    We saw alligators, birds, islands a HAUNTED GRAVEYARD --which my little one%26#39;s loved with the spooky and well told ghost tales---we even saw a castle and the salt marsh ecosystem and the fiddler crabs. We heard pirate stories. Let%26#39;s face it we heard about SO MUCH AND IT seemed the 3 or more hours flew by. You got to bring a camera. The views are truly beautiful. It is reasonable.

    I just loved this tour and think it is a highlight of Myrtle Beach.

    Thumbs up and up and away!

    carolina safari jeep tours


    I have always wanted to take this tour! Where do you go to get on the tour and what time does it start? Thanks!


    carolina safari jeep tours

    Do they have a web site? How much is the cost to go?

    My family and I took the Carolina Safari in Myrtle Beach a couple of weeks ago. I was left with very mixed feelings. I wouldn%26#39;t do it again.

    Our driver/guide, Virgil, was very entertaining. The man is a wellspring of knowledge. If you met him in a bar you%26#39;d gladly buy him drinks to listen to him talk. He can speak with authority on many topics beyond the scope of the tour. He%26#39;s well suited to be a guide except for the fact that he made many off-color remarks and dropped many double-entendres. While at a red light he turned to the Mustang-driving women in the next lane and yelled ';How%26#39;s your tang?'; Moments earlier he had used the full word, the one that starts with a %26#39;P%26#39; and ends with %26#39;tang%26#39;. This might have been funny, but kids were in the jeep.

    The jeep had a lame P.A. system, one microphone and one speaker in the dashboard. Virgil did much of his talking without the microphone, trusting that he could be heard ten feet away at the rear of the jeep. This didn%26#39;t work too well in a open-air jeep traveling at highway speed. At one point he asked if the people in the back could hear him, they replied ';no';, he responded with ';too bad';. I still don%26#39;t know if he was joking.

    My main gripe would be with the jeep. The jeep is HORRIBLE. I%26#39;ll try to describe it. It%26#39;s a regular jeep that is stretched but not widened. A row of seats runs down each side of the jeep, but they do not face forward, the seats face INWARD!?!?. If you%26#39;re on a sightseeing tour why wouldn%26#39;t the seats be facing outward, or at least forward? Though facing forward wouldn%26#39;t do you much good. Because the seats are elevated, you can%26#39;t see through the windshield either. The seats are just standard boat seats such as those found in bass fishing boat and, since the jeep is windowless, you%26#39;ll find yourself desperately leaning backwards out of the jeep so your head can catch some cooling wind at 55 MPH. To get to the point, you%26#39;ll spend almost 4 hours rubbing butts and knocking knees with strangers while not being able to see much of anything until the jeep makes a stop. If it%26#39;s a hot day you can plan on sweating. If it rains, Virgil has a bag of plastic ponchos under his seat.

    This is a tour, not a safari. None of it is off road. There%26#39;s no need for the cool-looking but horribly uncomfortable jeeps. The vehicles are obviously old and it%26#39;s time to upgrade. An air conditioned school bus would be a big improvement. A modern stretch van would be even better. You%26#39;d be cool, able to see the sites and actually hear all of Virgil%26#39;s witticisms.

    Overall, I%26#39;m glad we went. Total cost was $113, but I would never do it again it those jeeps.

    I%26#39;m glad that ';Nassie'; enjoyed this safari so much. This person joined this board yesterday, has posted 3 times, and recommends the Carolina Safari in every one.

    Different strokes for different folks.....I guess. I must say that I have taken this tour a number of times, and have enjoyed everyone! I have even learned new things about an area that I feel like I know inside and out ---- and yes, its not the most comfortable of the tour buses that cruise some of the major cities, and yes it is open-air...but I think thats part of the fun of it. Yes, Virgil can be a bit rough around the edges at times, but thats what makes him Virgil (and these are very rare occassions) Where can you be taken all over creation, told the history of the area, learn of the flora and fauna, learn of our local lore, ghost lore....all for the price of $30 pp?? I mean, the Aquarium is almost $20 these days....but, as I said, different strokes......

    And yes, they do have a website....just to see Alice%26#39;s Grave is worth rubbing knees with any stranger LOL


    I have always had a great experience on Carolina jeep safari tour. It is very fun and very informative. I highly recommend it.

    I took the tour with my family and sister and her husband I used to live in murrels inlet. but wanted by sister to experience some of the things I remembered when I lived there. We were not disapointed. it was very informative and if your not familiar with the area you see and hear about things you would otherwise miss.

    highly injoyed it.

    Family with teenagers, what resort is best?

    We are a family of 5 who stayed at the Seawatch last summer. My family liked it but I am concerned about the recent reviews. What resorts that have 2-3 bedrooms would be fun for my kids ( 21, 18 and 15) but not crazy for my husband and me? I want to be ON the beach and my husband and son love golf? The kids need to have other kids their age to ';hang'; with. I just don%26#39;t want to be be with a huge crowd. We plan to go the third week in July. Thanks for any suggestions.

    Family with teenagers, what resort is best?

    Take a look at SouthWind Villas, Forest Dunes, Sea Island Inn....Grande Shores, or even Long Bay....alot of families in this area during July...and not far from some great golf courses.


    Fairfield Inn at Ocean Boulevard

    The second week of June will be our first visit to Myrtle Beach. We got a GREAT deal from a friend of ours who has a timeshare. They have never stayed at this resort so I was wondering if anyone had an opinion since they started building the new towers. There aren%26#39;t many comments about this hotel, porbably because it is a timeshare. We will be staying in a 3 bedroom condo.

    Fairfield Inn at Ocean Boulevard

    I%26#39;ve stay twice and it%26#39;s excellent! The furniture is not the best in the world but it looks great and has comfortable beds. Nothing wrong with the funiture, I%26#39;ve just seen better. The nicest bathrooms I%26#39;ve seen in a condo. Great tile and wallpaper. I own a condo about ten blocks south of there but I%26#39;ll be staying at Fairfield again in June. Mine (Crescent Shores) is very nice but I%26#39;m better off renting it and using some timeshare points. The pool is great but the pool on the oceanside still won%26#39;t be ready in June; they%26#39;ve been working on it for over a year it seems. It%26#39;s an excellent notch! The parking is tight like most underneath condo parking is. Your gave you a real treat, better than he even knows.

    Fairfield Inn at Ocean Boulevard

    Your ';friend';

    Thanks for your response. The deal we got was so great i wasn%26#39;t expecting much. I guess I will owe her one.

    This is a little late but i wanted to recommend this beautiful hotel. Our room was PERFECT. The bathroom was to die for. The staff was friendly. The activities were fun. The view was excellent (even though we weren%26#39;t oceanfront) The pool and spas were great! Again I only paid several hundred dollars to stay here so I definately got a great deal. Who wouldn%26#39;t be happy. ALSO stay at North Myrtle Beach it was soooo quiet and relaxing. We drove to South Myrtle Beach and I felt like I was at DisneyWorld. This was my best vacation yet and I have been to Disney World.

    Hi chrrey103!

    Glad you posted back, even if it is January %26#39;07!

    Are you replying about the Fairfield at 410 South Ocean Blvd? There are at least 3 Fairfields in Myrtle Beach, aren%26#39;t there?

    Could you maybe add a few details about your stay back in June. Like what was the air and water temperature, did your condo have 2 or 3 baths, was the kitchen spacious or just ok, did you have need for heat and was there heat in your condo if you did need it, and did the 3 BR unit you had have a private balcony or screened in porch?

    How about parking...fee or free?

    How about eats....any advice on where to go?

    How about the beach? Easy access or not? The condo is across the street from the beach, isn%26#39;t it? Is it a safe street to cross for young kids?

    Thanks. We are thinking about maybe a getaway trip during late May if we can avoid the biker%26#39;s celebrations and if Spirit Air keeps running those great red light special rates.

    Happy New Year!

    Fairfield Ocean Blvd is located in Ocean Drive section of North Myrtle Beach. Away from bulk of Bike Week festivities. Bikers during Harley Week do cruise the area but still nothing like down in MB. Even if uncomfortable with bikes to the south you could still stay busy with NMB and Calabash shops and restaurants.

    First building was completed maybe three years ago on second row. Three towers were built oceanfront and were scheduled for opening last year. First tower was open when we visited for sales tour.

    Very nice. Just my opinion but could compare it to Marriott or Emabassy Suites. Towers are in 14 story range. Not all condos are oceanfront. Think most are oceanview. Big difference. Balconeys. No screened in porches. Very large in square footage. Lower units are lower rate than the ones towards top.

    Parking is in the bottom of the building. Probably wouldnt be filled in May. Have heard it is tight in summer. There is outside parking behind second row building.

    We%26#39;re scheduled to stay there in July. Wasn%26#39;t my first choice. Not into the high rent beach trips. More comfortable with smaller no-frills accomodations. Can make more trips using fewer points.

    For large groups they also have several large houses in the third and fourth row area back behind Fairfield Ocean Blvd.

    Thanks pop2748, for that info.

    Any thoughts on any of my other questions?

    Will it be warm enough in early May so we won%26#39;t need any heat? We will be bringing little grandchildren along, and up here in New York it can get quite chilly in early May.

    I have been looking at units with fireplaces!

    How about beach weather and surf temperature at this time of year (early May?)

    BTW, I enjoy bikers, having been one myself for almost 30 years! Had to give up my hog when my back told me it had had enough! LOL!

    Weather is unpredictible. Few years ago we were there in May and spent the week on the beach in the sun. Last year during the same week the temps were up and down all week. One day warm and sunny and the next day cool and windy. At it%26#39;s coolest I wore shorts, flip flops and a long sleeve pullover shirt. Heat in the condo was never an issue.

    Four blocks to the north of Fairfield is Main Street. Couple ice cream places, beach shops and small diner type reastaurants. Out Main Street towards Rt17 is a Krogers and Bi/Lo grocery stores. To the north on Rt 17 is a Super WalMart and a Food Lion.

    Back on Ocean Blvd you continue up the next stoplight. That%26#39;s Sea Mountain Highway, Cherry Grove. Boulineau%26#39;s IGA, Basil%26#39;s Pizza and Duffy Street Seafood Shack. Eat on the upper porch if possible.

    Maybe 30 minutes north on Rt 17 is exit for Calabash. Several restaurants there and Callahan%26#39;s Gift shop. Also Crabcatcher%26#39;s in Little River is good seafood.

    Here%26#39;s a link to reviews for NMB restaurants to see what%26#39;s available in the area. You wouldn%26#39;t go hungry.…

    If there during Harley Week, Barefoot Landing is open for business. Very few shoppers at that time. Bad thing is they set up a venders village in the front parking lot for Bike Week. Best bet is to go to the south entrance and go around to the back by Greg Norman%26#39;s to park.

    Jacuzzi Hotel Room for 2??


    I%26#39;m looking for a hotel that has a jacuzzi in the room. It is just going to be 2 of us, and from the research I%26#39;ve done, the only places that have jacuzzi%26#39;s are those with multiple bedrooms. Any ideas on where we could stay??


    Jacuzzi Hotel Room for 2??

    If it doesn%26#39;t have to be on the beach there is a great Comfort suites Frontage road about a mile from beach.

    Jacuzzi Hotel Room for 2??

    Thanks for the suggestion. We would actually like to be ocean front.…

    This webpage has a nice king bedroom with jacuzzi.View of beach and ocean.This is a nice resort.Thinking of staying there myself.

    Ocean Reef is a very nice resort to stay at. The hubby and I have stayed there once and loved it. However we had a standard room. Look at the reviews, it has many good ones.

    When I went on the website, it didn%26#39;t show the jacuzzi was in the room. Am I looking in the wrong place?

    Sea Island vs Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes

    Which if these are closer to attractions? It looks as though for the same amount of money I can get a deluxe oceanfront 2 bedroom at Sea Island compared to a deluxe oceanfront room at the Marriott Dunes with just 2 beds. Is that what a oceanfront room is at the Marriott? Basically a room consisting of 2 beds? Which of these are actually better in comparision to actually being oceanfront? Which of these hotels do you think would be better? I would like to be close to attractions though. Is there any place close to either of these places that would be nice to have a drink in a oceanfront atmosphere?

    Sea Island vs Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes

    The Mariott (unless you are staying at the Oceanwatch Villas at the Mariott) is set up like a hotel...a nice hotel, but still hotel style rooms. The Sea Island has anything from efficiencys to 3 bedroom (I think thats there largest) condos. For OF...I think Sea Island wins this one hands down...most of the rooms at the Mariott are side view, and the balconies really arent ';sit and sip your coffee'; balconies. As for being close to the atractions, both these properties sit along the ';golden mile'; in an area known as the ';Avenues';. You are about inbetween Broadway at the Beach and Barefoot Landing....most attractions would need to be drove to or take the local bus service.

    Sea Island does have a little poolside bar....if you walk north of the sea island there is a place called St Clements (popular with the local beach bums) good frozen beach drinks, decent burgers...and sometimes live music.....Luke and his crew really have a good time with the folks too! Enjoy!


    Sea Island vs Marriott Resort at Grande Dunes

    Go with MBConcierge%26#39;s advice she%26#39;s rarely if ever wrong.

    I concur - Sea Island is best. They are basically in the same neighborhood - just down the street from each other. I%26#39;ve stayed at Sea Island several times and gone over to Marriott to visit the spa and eat. Marriott is lovely but it%26#39;s a convention hotel - always groups there when I visited. Don%26#39;t get me wrong, it%26#39;s the nicest hotel on the Strand, but that%26#39;s just it - it%26#39;s a hotel. Sea Island is having your own fully furnished apartment for usually less money than Marriott.

    Of course, you can get room service at Marriott and that sort of thing - but I%26#39;ll take Sea Island for the money any day! Best wishes.

    HEY! Ya'll need to stop!

    Listen, we need to quit telling people to go to Sea Island! Soon we won%26#39;t be able to get a reservation...and supply/demand will cause the rates to go up! LOL. I said that humorously, but isn%26#39;t it a possibility? OK - just protecting my turf! Best wishes.

    HEY! Ya'll need to stop!

    Wait til they change the name to Island Vista. The regulars won%26#39;t be able to find it and newcomerss will think it%26#39;s something new.........

    which hotel in the SFB area? hotel?

    Plan to visit around July 8 th. Trying to keep in a budget. and have checked out hotwire and they have a 3 star listed for $99.00, but makes me nervous that I don%26#39;t know where it%26#39;s located. Would like to stay in an area we can ride our bikes to different places. Any suggestions? A condo would be too pricey and we are not staying for a week.

    Hotwire also has a 4 star listed for 169.00? Any idea%26#39;s which hotel that is.


    which hotel in the SFB area? hotel?

    After reading reviews and searching, I think the hotwire 4 star hotel is probably the Hilton Oceanfront...what do you think???

    which hotel in the SFB area? hotel?

    It could be the Hilton, but also the Crown Plaza. The three star is probably the Holiday Inn Oceanfront.

    Stan (hhiguy)

    When we booked a 4 star in HHI through Hotwire we got the Crowne Plaza. We went in late March and therefore got it for only $94/night. It is a beautiful hotel and has bike rentals right onsite. We rode all over Shipyard and also out into the Forest Beach area.

  • facial blackheads
  • Greater Myrtle Beach Area

    We would like to move to SC...particularly the MB area. What cities should we look into that would be away from the hustle and bustle of MB but close enough to get to daily? From what I can tell, this could also be located on the southern edge of NC. We desire a good school system within a warm, modern, upscale community.

    Greater Myrtle Beach Area

    Pawleys Island (about 30 min south of MB) was the first place that came to mind. Somewhere around the Charleston/Isle of Palms area (about an hour and fifteen min to 1 1/2 hours south of MB) would be my second choice. These are the first places I thought about but let me give it a little more thinking and I will get back to you. Good luck and welcome in advance!

    Greater Myrtle Beach Area

    or maybe around Surfside, Garden City, Murells Inlet area.

    or even conway

    TY, I will look into them all. Which of these mentioned placed would you say is most family oriented?

    Also, if any othe areas come to mind, we do not have to live on the water.

    Shallotte, NC and the surrounding area

    They are pretty much all family oriented but I would probably say Pawleys Island or Charleston a bit more than the others.

    What can you tell me about Summerville? I%26#39;ve found LOTS of houses and new homes for sale that are gorgeous.

    ';...away from the hustle %26amp; bustle of MB but close enough to get to daily.';

    keep in mind that MB is not all that hustley-bustley other than the summer season (well, you still have the golfers in the other seasons). I can%26#39;t imagine living too many zip codes away if you plan on visiting daily, because the traffic is not just bad IN MB but getting into it as well. And gas prices are not going to drop anytime soon.

    Conway is the closest decent-sized town, but plenty of suburban sub-divisions are going up between here %26amp; MB, most notably the Carolina Forest area with it%26#39;s own school district. Socastee is a little closer to the beach %26amp; has an excellent school district.

    Getting even closer, I agree with others that you may even be comfortable with Surfside, Garden City, Murrells%26#39; Inlet or Litchfield/Pawleys, in that order on the south side, or Little River on the north side.

    Wilmington, NC is about as close as Georgetown, SC (but both a little far for daily visits). Also NC has higher RE taxes than SC, and both have annual taxes on vehicles %26amp; other property. But I%26#39;m sure you%26#39;ll be happy with the real estate prices %26amp; overall taxes.

    There is another MB forum that has an excellent section on relocating to the area, but I%26#39;m not sure if I%26#39;m allowed to give the e-mail address here. Or contact the MB CofC.

    Go to click message board they have a whole section on relocating. very helpful stuff.

    Where to stay with 3 kids...watersport activities?????

    We are thinking about going to HH in July. Would like to find a great hotel in a good location. Seems like people have stayed at the Hilton for less than $150.00 a night if they book through Am interested in renting bikes, maybe mopeds for my husband and me. would like to take the kids for an airboat ride. Renting a waverunner sound like fun also. Want to make sure the kids have fun. Also thought of going to Charleston for the day. What hotel would you sugest? Any other activites?

    Thanks in advance...Linda

    Where to stay with 3 kids...watersport activities?????

    We stayed at the Hilton Oceanfront Resort in December last year. It was a GREAT resort, right on the beach. The beds were ';heavenly'; and there was a full size washer/dryer in the unit and a kitchenette with bar fridge and sink, microwave and dinette. Very large room. We booked it through and only paid $69.00 a night. It is rated at 3 1/2 stars on Hotwire and it%26#39;s description is Resort/Beachfront/Oceanfront. They don%26#39;t tell you what hotel you booked until after you hit ';confirm';, but if you get a good deal, you can%26#39;t go wrong with the price. The 4 star will probably be wonderful too. It%26#39;s listed as ';customer favourite'; and is probably the Westin. You can also try and compare a few at a time. WE loved HH and are going for March breakk with year but splitting on a villa with two other families.

    We ate at Wreck of the Salty Dog and it was really cheap at happy hour.

    Hope this helps,


    Where to stay with 3 kids...watersport activities?????

    Renting bikes is a must IMO. I don%26#39;t think you can rent mopeds on HHI, but maybe you can..In the 12 years my family and I have been vacationing there, I never noticed mopeds.

    We have 3 kids as well, and IMO I would rent a timeshare in either Shipyard or Sea Pines if I were you. You could find a 3-bedroom in July for probably $1300 for the week. The nice thing with the timeshare is you can eat in on occasion. All will have pools, usually at least 2 bikes included, grills, some will have golf packages, tennis, and most are very close to the beach.