Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Why visit Myrtle Beach in the winter?

I%26#39;m really curious. For 40 years, Myrtle Beach has been a summer vacation destination for my family. I%26#39;ve also visited in March to play golf with ';the guys.'; But, I see where many people here are asking questions about vacationing with their children in December, January and February.

I%26#39;m curious about what the attraction is this time of year? I love MB as much as anyone, and I know why we enjoy our vacation in the summer so much! But, I am sincerely interested in why people vacation in the winter... especially to MB, where the temps will run from 30 to 50 degrees today.

Why visit Myrtle Beach in the winter?

Majority of people here in the winter time are ';Snow Birds';, from Canada and much colder climates in US. Many of them are retired, have a 2nd home here, winter where it is much milder temps. Especially little chance of snow. There are still plenty of entertainment options, with the weather lately, no problem getting in a golf game. Having a 2nd home here, at one time was cheaper than FL, however, not sure that is the case now. For those asking about coming on vacation in winter months with children, I too find that a bit odd. Obviously, you can only swim indoors, fewer options to keep them entertained. I guess its more of a ';we have some vacation time, where can we drive to, and not cost arm and leg. Amusement parks are closed, the Ripley%26#39;s Aquarium is open, which is very nice.

Why visit Myrtle Beach in the winter?

We are coming in March for a cheer competition. I suppose it is because the venue is cheaper at that time and hotel availability for the all the teams that are coming. But, until I got on this board, I hadn%26#39;t realized that it was cold in MB in March. I always thought it was like Florida and warm in the winter.

We always make at least one trip down in the winter for a quick getaway. The prices are unbelievable for the hotels, and most of the restaurants/bars we frequent are open and usually quite busy. We were just there over New Years Eve and that Saturday is reached 70 degress, so the weather can be great this time of year too, maybe not warm enough to swim in the ocean, but good enough for strolls on the beach, etc. Plus, it is just a peaceful time of year w/ out all the crowds, etc. We felt sometimes we had the whole beach to ourselves! My next trip will be in June though, and I love that time of year too!

Why? It%26#39;s cheap, close to home, has great shopping, and is just a nice quick getaway. The weather is forecast to be in the 70%26#39;s this weekend, so very nice for shopping and strolling along the beach. I am not sure I would want to venture to Myrtle Beach during peak season! ; ) We reserve our vacation time for trips to Mexico and this year, to Disney World (ack, talk about crowds!: )), so this is not our yearly vacation by any means.

Another important consideration for some of us Northerners: Even if it is a bit chilly, the grass is green, the palmettos always look the same, summer or winter, and the live oaks retain their leaves. To someone who is used to looking at bare trees, gray skies and yellow-brown grass this time of year, just the sight of a place like MB makes us feel like it%26#39;s springtime!

I agree with the previous post. I live in Central New York, just got 10 inches of new snow last night. Not a skier and don%26#39;t like snowmobiling. I just returned from MB. Weather was unusually warm and it was great. We love all of the things there are to do there.

Brookgreen Gardens is beautiful anytime of year. Charleston is close enough for a day trip. Love the carriage ride there and the restaurants. Wilmington is also close enough for a day trip. A trip to Calabash to browse through Callahans and a stop at Calabash Creamery is always wonderful. Shopping at the outlets this time of year is an extra bargain, great sales! House of Blues has concerts. A wonderful selection of restaurants. Love time to just walk around Broadway at the Beach and Barefoot Landing. New movie theater at Briarcliff Mall is great for those of us who are closer to North Myrtle Beach. Our kids love Myrtle Beach all year long. There are some things you can do there that many of you can do in your hometown. For us, we LOVE the beautiful scenery and the ability to walk the beach. If you%26#39;ve never lived where the skies are gray much of the year than it may be hard to understand why we drive 12-14 hours to get to paradise! I was in Orlando for 4 days the beginning of January and that%26#39;s fun but the traffic and crowds get old quick. Myrtle Beach is a comfortable destination. I will be back again in mid February for 2 weeks and I%26#39;m bringing 3 friends. Aged 19 - 35. They can%26#39;t wait!

You either like crowds or you don%26#39;t. Personally, I%26#39;ve never been to MB in the summer %26amp; have no desire to visit then. $200-$300/night for a room; Screaming kids over-running the beach %26amp; pool areas, waiting in line at restaurants, for elevators, sitting in traffic, hunting parking spaces, etc, etc. No thanks, I%26#39;ll pass.

As I type this, I%26#39;m watching yet another beautiful sunrise over the ocean...wish I knew how to post a photo of it...they%26#39;re so much better %26amp; clearer in the less humid winter months. Temps were in the 70%26#39;s just last weekend and are forecast to be the same again this weekend. Yes, people are on the beach in their swimsuits and a few are taking the plunge. No traffic, plenty of free parking, cheap hotel rates, nearly deserted beaches, indoor pools %26amp; spas....

Did I answer your question?

PS: Not sure why kids would not be in school %26amp; be able to vacation in the winter months, but they would probably prefer the summer months when all the attractions are open.

We go to the beach year round, always have. Now we go with 4 kids under 10. Why? We can stay beachfront to watch the sunset, waves and beauty for 1/3 of the cost. We stay only at hotels with indoor heated pools to entertain the kids. We go to the shows--much less crowded and shop. Also if you have kids that love Magiquest you understand crowds.

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