Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Senior Week

Looking for a decent place for four 18 year old girls for Senior Week, which is June 4 thru June 11. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Senior Week

I hope they are going to have a parent... most of the oceanfronts won%26#39;t admit anyone under 25 without a parent or adult... believe me-- I know. My husband and I just went for our late honeymoon and I couldn%26#39;t make the reservation because I%26#39;m under 25.

Senior Week

Try the Sandcastle South (843)-448-4316 (oceanfront) or Hampton Inn 48th (843)449-5231 (1-2 blocks from the ocean)

you can call 1-800-496-8250 extension 8022 to get a FREE stay and Play catalog, in there will be hundreds of hotels and attractions for Myrtle beach. I am sure you will find one there. You can also go to Myrtlebeachinfo.com. GOOD LUCK!!

The Boardwalk Beach Resort will accept seniors as long as everyone is at least 18 years old. You can call 800-535-2297 for rates.

My friends and I stayed at the Atlantica and Poindexter resorts last summer and we were all 18 and one was even 17. The prices are a little high but the room we got in the Atlantica was REALLY nice. It fit 6 people and had a living room and kitchen, and they aren%26#39;t weird about noise or having guests (or parties!). Two of our friends stayed at the Poindexter part of the resort which has just hotel rooms and their room was kind of gross....cigarette burns and stuff, but it ended up working out just fine.

We%26#39;re going back this summer and staying at The Sea Park Motel...it%26#39;s DIRT cheap (as low as $60 a night for 4 people) and takes people under 21 so we%26#39;re hoping it will be ok. Since were all college freshman we didn%26#39;t have the money to go back to the Atlantica else we definitely would have.

Whatever you do, DONT stay at the Quality Inn (im pretty sure thats what its called). We met some guys that were staying there and they have security and stuff and won%26#39;t let you have guests at night. I had to use their bathroom when we were taking a walk on the beach and they had to sneak me in and they caught us on the way back out!

If you wanna have the most fun, stay somewhere on Ocean Blvd. between about the 1600 and 800 blocks, you%26#39;ll be right in the middle of everything. And it%26#39;s walking distance to the Freaky Tiki, which is one of the best clubs there! Hope you find somewhere to stay and have fun!

Bump for sjsjbb....

maybe a few ideas here!


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