Tuesday, December 13, 2011

18 & 19 year old searching for hotel HELP!!!

This is so fustrating! I%26#39;ve been searching for a nicer hotel that allows under 21 year olds to stay for weeks... no luck. Anyone stay at the Atlantica, Sea Watch, or Anderson Inn? I%26#39;m not looking for anything fancy, just not gross, on the ocean and close to the action. You%26#39;re help would be very appreciated!!! Thanks!

18 %26amp; 19 year old searching for hotel HELP!!!

i am born and raised in myrtle beach. it is hard to find a hotel that will let you stay and not be 21. there are a few of the older hotels that are right beside the pavilion, less than 1.2 block and are on the boulevard and directly on the ocean. they are clean hotels run by good people. you will have to give a deposit due to your age. it will be given back if all is well. i would reccommend that you call the golden villa motel @ 843-448-7664. this hotel is run by the austin family and you will like them. ask for a ocean front room or kitchenette. this is directly down town and is near all the bars, except for the bars that are every where else, which is everywhere. you should have a good time. hope you enjoy. this is not a new fancy hotel but you will be pleased. see if you can find it on line.

18 %26amp; 19 year old searching for hotel HELP!!!

I would definitely recommend the Atlantica...I stayed there last summer for my ';senior trip'; and really enjoyed it. We had an ocean front room that included a living room and small kitchen, and it had a separate bedroom with 2 double beds and a murphy bed in the living room. The view was fabulous and you are RIGHT by all the action, we only drove a couple times during our trip. Also, they are not strict about guests or noise.

The only down side I can think of is that you have to put a lot of money down for the security deposit...I wanna say it%26#39;s something like $300, but if you can come up with that much cash, you get it back at the end of your stay, assuming there isn%26#39;t any major damage.

If you have any other questions about that hotel just let me know!

Thanks for your help! We%26#39;re leaning toward the Atlantica, it sounds nice! Thanks again for your help!

obviously you did not read the reviews on the atlantica or live here. your choice.

I have read some bad reviews on the Atlantica too, but from my experience it%26#39;s a great hotel, especially for people under 21. It%26#39;s hard to judge simply on reviews or simply on one person%26#39;s experience which hotel is right for you but from what I%26#39;ve heard about other hotels that allow 18+, this is about the best you can get.

One suggestion is that no matter where you stay, request a non-smoking room, even if you smoke. Smoking rooms tend to be not nearly as nice and that%26#39;s often where young people get stuck unless they specifically request a non-smoking room.

I hope you have a great trip and whatever hotel you choose works out! If you have any other questions let me know!

Theyachtsman takes students in June. And the Bar Harbor does also but I think all year long. Both get decent reviews. www.yachtsmanhotel.com www.bar-harbor.com

The Polynesian isn%26#39;t as upscale as The Yachtsmann but it%26#39;s decent, especially for young people.

Bump for sjsjbb....

Good luck!


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