I think I%26#39;ve narrowed my search down to these 3 places, coming the week of July 4th. There will be 7 adults %26amp; 3 children. Anyone have any suggestions or comments?
Sea Island - Margate Towers or Dunes Village Resort???
Don%26#39;t know anything about the accomadations. I would suggest changing weeks if possible. If it isn%26#39;t possible just be ready for larger crowds than the other summer weeks.
4th of July week is very, very crowded. Lines and wait times at restaurants and attractions are long during your typical summer week. Almost double 4th of July week.
Have heard comments from several people who always went that week in the past. Last few years it%26#39;s been so bad they%26#39;re switching to other weeks.
Few years back we were in NMB the week before the 4th. Wasn%26#39;t bad at all until Thursday and Friday. Places started filling up fast. When we left on Saturday it was gridlock coming in and we were glad we were going home. Well........Hated leaving the beach but didn%26#39;t mind missing the crowds.
Sea Island - Margate Towers or Dunes Village Resort???
Both places are located in one of my fav parts of MB...the beach in this area is wonderful! Nice and wide, a good mix of residential and hotels. A number of good places to eat and shop nearby. Both places opened last season, so are still ';new';....I would say Dunes Village has a big more elaborate pool area....and there is some construction right next door to Dunes Village currently...but they may be completed with that by the July 4th week.
Granted, MB can be crowded that time of year --- and yes, we do have really long waits at the more popular restaurants and the traffic is a bit heavier than ';normal';...but there is alot going on that week....and you cant beat the firework displays (both personal and public) along the oceanfront!
Agree with MBConcierge on all points. Our family has been coming down on 4th of July week for the last 6 years and my wife won%26#39;t even consider changing.
Haven%26#39;t actually stayed at either place, but have a home near Sea Island and toured the place. Sea Island looks very nice, the beach is wonderful and located in a very ';quiet'; area of MB. There is a smaller pool complex at Sea Island, but the atomsphere seemed more ';mature';. We were just in the Dunes Village complex last week and it looked very nice, but the pools are more geared to the kids. Also in a very nice area of the beach.
We go on the 4th, and it is a wonderful time. It is more crowded, than in off season, but with the new roads in MB and the a little advance planning, it will be a great trip!
Thanks for all the input. We traveled to Virginia Beach 2 years ago for the 4th of July and it was awesome that being said that%26#39;s why we picked this week. Unfortunately we didn%26#39;t care for Virginia Beach as a whole so we thought we%26#39;d try Myrtle Beach.
Our kids think the fireworks are incredible at the beach!
Any comments on Margate Tower in Kingston Planation?
Kingston Plantation is a nice complex too....a bit removed (far to drive) to some of the centrally located attractions, i.e., Broadway on the Beach, Nascar speedpark...but quite a bit closer to Barefoot Landing and Alligator Adventure. Its a large complex with quite a bit of amenities...you might check some of the reviews of these 3 properties to the left of this forum.
I can not say enough nice things about our stay at Sea Island.That being said I have a two year old and he was happy with the pools but if he was older the Dunes Village would probably be better.
We stayed at the Embassy Suites- Kingston Plantation this summer. The Margate Tower is beautiful and the grounds at KP are very nice. I would recommend staying there especially with children. There are many pools including an interactive pool for kids. We did visit friends at the Sea Island- this property is new and beautiful. The location is quiet and in a residential area (small playground across the street). You would probably be happy here too. Good luck!
We stayed at the Sea Island last year with 7 kids (12-16) and they all enjoyed themselves. Especially the boys as they have a basketball hoop in one of their pools and the depth was just right. We had 6 adults, 7 kids and rented a 4-bdrm unit and a 1 bedroom unit - plenty of room! Location on the beach was nice also - no high risers nearby, quite residential area. Loved and hope to go back soon.
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