Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Marriott Residence Inn

I herad the Marriott residence Inn is going condo. HHI guy where exactly is the MRI?

Marriott Residence Inn

It has been sold %26amp; going through a major renovation. The rooms are being sold as hotel condos. You purchase a room have use of it for a set amount of days per year. The rest of the time, the hotel rents it out as a hotel. It is located just in front of Shipyard %26amp; Palmetto Dunes off of 278. The new name is Park Lane Hotel %26amp; Suites. Hope this helps!

Marriott Residence Inn

Who%26#39;s actually selling these? And are they on the net? I can%26#39;t find them listed on the HH multiple listing service, but they%26#39;re not on the Triton website, either.

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