We are looking for;
-6-8 bedroom house
-for 11 maybe 12 people
-saturday to saturday 7/7-7/14
-with a pool
-looking to spend roughly $4K before all the fees
We know we want NMB but have not been in a long time and even then we did condos.
Now that we want a house we are dizzy with options and location variables. It seems waterfront is out due to cost.
Concerned about walkig across beach blvd with a couple small kids. Whats with Villas and sharing pools?
We are looking at the Cherry grove section because its quiet and less dense.
I have some of the rental web sites so I%26#39; m looking more for reassurance that crossing the road is %26#39;ok%26#39;, that the beach doenst disappeat at 39th st, and we are not too far from everything.
North Myrtle-House HELP!!
You will get many replys to use Elliott Realty, we agree, have friend that works there. You should not have alot of problems crossing the street up there, there will be some traffic but not like MB. There are many homes w/ pools and shared pools, I think you will find something to fit the bill. I know last year friend stayed Cherry Grove, ocean front w/ pool, slept 22, can%26#39;t remember exactly what she said she paid, but I think you should have no problem if you are okay 2nd row. Not sure what you mean by far from everything, North Myrtle Beach, Cherry Grove pretty much run together, if you haven%26#39;t been in while you will be surprised.
North Myrtle-House HELP!!
Here are the two top NMB sites. Elliott and Thomas Century 21.They have large oceanfront houses plus some large channel houses maybe three blocks off the beach. Channel houses are less expensive than oceanfront.
Something to keep in mind. Most bedrooms will sleep four. Usually a master bedroom will have one king or queen bed while the others will have two doubles. Plus almost every rental has hide-a-bed sofa. Four to five bedrooms would handle 11-12 easy. Small kids seem to enjoy sleeping on floor at the beach. It%26#39;s an adventure to them.
One way to increase your options would be to look at duplexes. An upper and lower or two side by side. Rent both units to get all your bedrooms.
grand strand vacations
The week you have chosen is the second most expensive week of the year regarding rates. Elliott will give you largest selection. If you stay 2nd row, crossing the street not that big a deal....the further north you go in Cherry Grove (higher the address), the less traffic. With little kids, I wouldn%26#39;t go further back than 2nd row as it can be a hassle getting everything ready and hauling it to the beach w/ little ones.
Was just wasting time and went to Elliott site to search large houses. Small glitch in Elliott site today. Each rental is listed something like fifteen times. First glance I thought they had really grown with all the new listings.
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