Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Kid friendly

Considering purchasing. Looking for a relaxing place. We have lots of small children so we must feel they are safe. Are kids welcome and safe on Duafuskie?

Kid friendly

dbrady....Daufuskie is about as kid friendly as it gets...place is great...never have to worry about car traffic at all...just the occasional bus dropping off visitors. Travel is by golf carts...which the kids absolutely love...Safe as it gets...

Daufuskie is about the most relaxing place I can think of...no worries...pure relaxation and beauty...it is life simplified...

It has all the attractions of HHI w/o any of the hustle and bustle...We used to visit HHI...now we own and strictly visit Daufuskie instead...we decided we actually wanted to relax on vacation....

As far as purchasing (lot or house) goes...when compared to Hilton Head Island or just about any other ocean front/oriented properties...prices are only a fraction of what they should be...but i don%26#39;t think that will be for long...it is a great time to buy....and great things are in the works there...

No...i%26#39;m not an real estate agent...but love the area and follow the market very closely...i%26#39;ve already found property for another trip advisor visitor which they subsequently purchased through an agent there...

Would love to help in any way...tell you the adavantages of the different tracts (aka plantations there) and any steals on the market as we speak....just let me know...or any other questions...please ask!

Kid friendly

dbrady....Daufuskie is about as kid friendly as it gets...place is great...never have to worry about car traffic at all...just the occasional bus dropping off visitors. Travel is by golf carts...which the kids absolutely love...Safe as it gets...

Daufuskie is about the most relaxing place I can think of...no worries...pure relaxation and beauty...it is life simplified...

It has all the attractions of HHI w/o any of the hustle and bustle...We used to visit HHI...now we own and strictly visit Daufuskie instead...we decided we actually wanted to relax on vacation....

As far as purchasing (lot or house) goes...when compared to Hilton Head Island or just about any other ocean front/oriented properties...prices are only a fraction of what they should be...but i don%26#39;t think that will be for long...it is a great time to buy....and great things are in the works there...

No...i%26#39;m not an real estate agent...but love the area and follow the market very closely...i%26#39;ve already found property for another trip advisor visitor which they subsequently purchased through an agent there...

Would love to help in any way...tell you the adavantages of the different tracts (aka plantations there) and any steals on the market as we speak....just let me know...or any other questions...please ask!

dbrady....Daufuskie is about as kid friendly as it gets...place is great...never have to worry about car traffic at all...just the occasional bus dropping off visitors. Travel is by golf carts...which the kids absolutely love...Safe as it gets...

Daufuskie is about the most relaxing place I can think of...no worries...pure relaxation and beauty...it is life simplified...

It has all the attractions of HHI w/o any of the hustle and bustle...We used to visit HHI...now we own and strictly visit Daufuskie instead...we decided we actually wanted to relax on vacation....

As far as purchasing (lot or house) goes...when compared to Hilton Head Island or just about any other ocean front/oriented properties...prices are only a fraction of what they should be...but i don%26#39;t think that will be for long...it is a great time to buy....and great things are in the works there...

No...i%26#39;m not an real estate agent...but love the area and follow the market very closely...i%26#39;ve already found property for another trip advisor visitor which they subsequently purchased through an agent there...

Would love to help in any way...tell you the adavantages of the different tracts (aka plantations there) and any steals on the market as we speak....just let me know...or any other questions...please ask!

oops...sorry about that...meant to hit the the back button...


I came across this forum by accident, but i also have questions for you, or any other forum member.

My wife and I are planning to visit Daufuskie in Feb. We are interested in possibly purchasing some property. We are interested in the Historic district.

We are familiar with the HHI area, but not Daufuskie.

It%26#39;s my understanding that if you live in the Historic district, we could stay in our motorhome. We would like to do this in the beginning, and also as we start and finish our new home.

We also have a pottery business in upstate New York, and would like to possibly continue in are retirement( wife art teacher, husband sales, former Phys Ed teacher). Is this type of business possible?

We have more question, but lets start with these.

Thanks, ubcarr

Don%26#39;t forget the problem with getting children to school, activities, etc. Going back and forth by ferry could get to be a problem.

And while they may be ';safe';, if they break a leg or injure themselves badly......you will have to figure a way to get them to Hilton Head in a hurry. Kids and accidents go hand in hand. And they get sick! Unless there%26#39;s a doctor on the Island, trips with a sick kid on a boat won%26#39;t be much fun.


I believe you can live in mobile/motor homes in the historic district...unlike say Melrose or Bloody point. They don%26#39;t have as strict building restrictions there (historic district).

As far as your business...i would think that it would be very easy to establish your retirement . I think it would need to be more of a passing the time/supplement income type of work. Although...perhaps you could strike a deal with the Inn and advertise as ';things to do on Daufuskie'; to attract the vacationers.


as far as the kids/sick/injured...there is no doc%26#39;s office on the island but they do have an EMT there...if it is serious they have immediate transfer service via boat to HHI...so for the most part I think they have that covered. And if you were to live there..most likely would have your own boat to get to HHI when needed.

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