We%26#39;re planning our first trip to NMB in August. There are 3 families going...we%26#39;re staying at the Seascape 2601 S. Ocean Blvd. Anyone know anything about this place? And the area? Since we%26#39;ve never been there, I have no clue as to what to expect.
First time to NMB or Myrtle Beach in general?
POP2748, this is actually our first time in SC!! So, yes, very first time to the area in general. We usually go to the beach in NJ or MD, but decided to venture further south this year since it%26#39;s supposed to be much nicer down there. Any info on the area or places that we need to see, would be much appreciated.
You%26#39;re in for big surprise. No seawalls or breakwater jetties like at NJ beaches. Sister married and moved to NJ shore and was very disappointed when she saw what they called a beach. Much larger area than Ocean City, MD.
First thing would be to get your bearings. Not that it%26#39;s confusing but it does help to get an idea before getting down there.
The Grand Strand extends approx. 60 miles depending where you want to draw the boundaries. It%26#39;s made up of several small cities and communities and dozens of beach sections.
Doesn%26#39;t matter where you stay. Most visitors referr to the entire area as Myrtle Beach. Stay to the south of MB or to the north. Area attractions are an easy drive.
The city Myrtle Beach is pretty much the center of the Grand Strand. City of North Myrtle Beach is a seperate city approx. 10 miles north of MB.
Pull up a map of the area. Rt 501 meets the beach in the middle of Myrtle Beach. Scroll to the north. Rt 22 and Rt 9 pretty much are the north and south boundaries for NMB. (Before somebody jumps on me. I know Rt 22 isn%26#39;t the true boundary but it%26#39;s close enough for directions.)
MB and NMB have the same series of Ave numbers. Both have a 30th Ave north and so on and so on. This does cause some confusion with some first timers. Keep this in mind as you hunt for attractions.
Getting around is fairly easy. Everything is pretty much north and south. Main Route is Rt 17. Just one Rt 17 in NMB. When you get into MB it splits into Business and By-pass 17. Pretty much self explanatory.
Your rental is in Cresent Beach section of NMB. Pull up your map again. Main Street is center of Ocean Drive. 2601 Ocean Blvd will be 26 blocks to the south of Main Street.
Do a Google Earth search or go to Elliott Realty site. Elliott has a Map It feature where you can see pic of condo from the ocean side.
Get your bearings.
When you%26#39;re ready we%26#39;ll work on grocery stores and area attractions. LOL
Oh Yeah. Forgot to add. There are four beach sections in NMB. Windy Hill, Cresent, Ocean Drive and Cherry Grove. Each section is approx. 3 miles in length.
There is a 5th section called Atlantic Beach. Officially it%26#39;s a seperate town. Story behind it.
Windy Hill is the southern most section. It%26#39;s cut off from the rest by Atlantic Beach. You can walk up the beach but Ocean Blvd dead ends at Atlantic Beach boundary. Cresent Beach begins at north Atlantic Beach boundary. You have unobstructed drive up Ocean Blvd through Cresent, Ocean Drive and Cherry Grove sections.
Wow! Thank you for such a detailed response. Can I hire you as our tour guide!! LOL
Seriously, I really appreciate all the info. As I mentioned, we%26#39;re totally new to the area. I%26#39;m one of those people that always has to research before I go somewhere b/c I hate to get somewhere and then not know where to go. I also hate to miss out on something that is a ';must see%26#39; in the area just because I have no clue where to go. (I actually drive my husband crazy...he%26#39;s more of a go with the flow kind of guy.)
Anyway, I%26#39;m very excited to see the beach down there. Although we%26#39;ve been going to NJ and MD, I%26#39;m definitely not a huge fan of the Jersey Shore. It%26#39;s better than it used to be, but I always find that it is very dirty and well, it%26#39;s just not very nice. Also, I%26#39;m not sure how it is in SC, but in NJ you actually have to pay to go on the beach! I think that%26#39;s a crime!! In MD, the beach is free...is it that way in SC? (I assume it is...) I can see why your sister was disappointed.
So, sorry if I%26#39;m full of questions, but how big are the blocks down there? You had mentioned that Rt. 17 is the main road. It looks like we%26#39;re a few blocks from 17. Is this a short walk? It doesn%26#39;t look too far...but, I%26#39;m not good at estimating these things.
Is there anything else that you can think of that we must see while we are there? (I feel like I owe you a fee for all of your advice!!)
Thanks again! I really appreciate it. I can%26#39;t wait for our visit..
Sister joined NJ beach club site unseen. Climbed over large hill between road and ';beach'; and about died. No waves. Like swimming in a lake.
We went to RI a couple of times for soccer tournaments. Tried to hit beaches south of Providence. Ran off of one because it was private. Only pubic access we found was very similar to a river bank. Waves not much more than wake off passing speed boat.
Grand Strand beaches are public. Most areas have life guards on duty during daytime in the summer. There are a few rules but nothing major. Main thing as long as you don%26#39;t bother others you%26#39;ll have no problems.
There isn%26#39;t any boardwalk along beachfront in NMB. Walk out of rental and across the dunes. Sometimes a bridge like wooden walkway. Sometimes just a path. Be sure and use it. Dunes are sacred. They were pretty much washed out in early 80%26#39;s by storms. Big bucks spent rebuilding them and they do protect them now. Sea grass is growing and you shouldn%26#39;t bother it.
At low tide you should have 50 to 100 yards of flat surface between dunes and water. High tide varies up and down the beach. You might have a few feet of beach at high tide and in someplaces you have none. There always seems to be that one day during the week when high tide as at mid-day and you have little beach during the day. We always plan ahead and use that day as our day to do away from beach activities.
For NMB I used Main Street as a reference point. Zooming in on MapQuest, Main Street shows up before any Ave numbers. Just about any Ave will run you out to Rt 17. Right by Seascape is 25th Ave south. Should be one of the main stop sign free Aves out to Rt 17.
Ball park figuring I%26#39;d say blocks are rectangle. Maybe 100 yards long along Ocean Blvd. Maybe 150 yards along Aves heading out towards Rt 17.
Rt 17 and Ocean Blvd don%26#39;t run in a perfect parrallel. I%26#39;d say approx a mile give or take depending on which Ave you take. Might be shorter in places. Might be farther in others.
I%26#39;m more familiar with area above Main Street so I%26#39;m still trying to visualize things in Cresent section. LOL. Gonefishin can bail me out if I%26#39;m wrong on anything.
For some reason I%26#39;m seeing a grocery store in Cresent section of Rt 17 on south bound side of road. Strip mall with Baskin Robbins, Subway and Gold%26#39;s Gym. Either it%26#39;s there or it used to be.
I do know if you head north a mile or two on Rt 17 there%26#39;s a Food Lion on the right. Another half mile is Main Street. There%26#39;s a Krogers and Bi/Lo on opposite sides of Main Street.
Another mile or two up Rt 17 is Super Wal Mart. There is a Wal Mart to the south of Cresent at the Rt 22/ Rt 17 intersection. Very busy area. Store reminds me of Christmas shopping with all the crowds. NMB Wal Mart isn%26#39;t much busier than ones here at home.
These should keep you busy for a few days.
Might also try YouTube and type in Myrtle Beach. Several videos from vacationers to give you an idea of what beaches are like.
Choices for dining are unlimited. Main rule of thumb......More popular the place, the longer the wait. You can figure if you see a place advertised in all the coupon books or it has a fifty foot tall neon sign out front, it will have a long line.
Three choices.......... Eat early. Before five you can beat most of the crowds.........
Eat at the condo. We have started doing that more and more through the years. Not only does it save some money but it%26#39;s much quicker and relaxing not cleaning up and standing in line..........
Eat at less popular places. We have found a couple that suits our needs. Might sacrifice a little on quality. ( I don%26#39;t think so but some critical people might) What you lose in quality you gain in convenience.